Keith Lemon interview

BCG chats to Keith Lemon about the second series of The Keith Lemon Sketch Show...
What's your favourite thing about making the show?
It feels like a different job every day cos we're always doing something different every day. Plus I get to play out with me mates; the cast is mostly made up of me mates. Oh and me mum! Nice to have a laugh and hang out with me mum.
Who's your favourite character to play?
I don't really like dressing as a lady. It's uncomfortable and cold wearing a dress. But I do like doing the Kardashians. We have a laugh all sat there in that caravan. And a new character called Denzel Rowe who is a wax work sculptererer I like being him.

What would you say to Kim Kardashian if you met her?
I'd say "Hello Kim. I met your mum at the NTAs last year. She presented me with an award for Celebrity Juice. It's a panel show on ITV2. You should come on it!"
Has there been anything you've not been allowed to do? Health and safety, legal, general public decency...
Not really. I'm quite a sensible professional person really so I kinda know what we can and can't do. There was a sketch we were gonna do about a very famous person that died do we decided not to do it when they passed as it would've been bad taste. We don't wanna offend people. We here to meck ya laugh hopefully.
Are you going to make another film?
One day I will yes. When I've got time. Busy with telly stuff at the mo.
Which TV series - The Keith Lemon Sketch Show, Through The Keyhole, or Celebrity Juice - is the most fun to make?
They're all fun otherwise I would quit them if they weren't fun. And they're all different so yeah I'm quite lucky. I have a very fun job
Some guy called Leigh Francis was credited as a writer on Series 1. What's he like to work with?
Never met him. Heard he looks like me but I saw a picture of him and I fink I'm better looking!
Series 2 of The Keith Lemon Sketch Show is on ITV2 on Thursdays at 10pm.