Find the Inside No. 9 hare

You may have seen every episode of Inside No. 9, but what you might not be aware of is that there is actually a game you can play whilst re-watching the show. Creators Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton have placed a common prop in all the episodes. They say: "It's a nice little game we play. It's just fun."
A statue has been added to every episode of the show, because - aside from the number 9 and the two actors - there is nothing else connecting the wildly different stories. Pemberton explains: "We just thought it would be nice to have an object that you could hide... Just have it there on every set."
This silver hare ornament was selected to be that common object. If you've seen Tempting Fate (Series 4, Episode 6) you'll have definitely seen this object!
Some readers may remember the famous 1970s treasure finding puzzle book Masquerade which gave clues to the location of a golden hare. However, producer Adam Tandy says that Pemberton & Shearsmith picking the same animal for their show is just a coincidence. "We had a cardboard box of about a dozen things and [Pemberton] just picked up that."
If you want to play along, you'll have to pay very close attention, as in some of the episodes the hare is very hard to spot. In a couple of instances, where it wouldn't make sense for a statue to be in the room in question (for example, the karaoke booth), it's hidden in an even more devious way!
So why not have a go at spotting the hare?
If you've got stuck or want to 'cheat', we've put the answers below.
Scroll for answers
Series 1, Episode 1: Sardines
A hard one to start! It's on the bedside table near the wardrobe.

Series 1, Episode 2: A Quiet Night In
On the cabinet in the bedroom. About 21 minutes in, when Ray is about to hide under the bed.

Series 1, Episode 3: Tom & Gerri
On the mantelpiece opposite the sofa.

Series 1, Episode 4: Last Gasp
On the bookshelves.

Series 1, Episode 5: The Understudy
On the dressing room table.

Series 1, Episode 6: The Harrowing
Next to the lamp in the bedroom, about 17 minutes into the episode.

Series 2, Episode 1: La Couchette
A tricky one! It's hidden in the family picture that is found in the dead man's wallet (15 minutes into the episode).

Series 2, Episode 2: The 12 Days Of Christine
Under the mirror.

Series 2, Episode 3: The Trial Of Elizabeth Gadge
The hare is on the middle table, but due to the position of the camera can only be momentarily glimpsed.

Series 2, Episode 4: Cold Comfort
On the desk in the CCTV picture in the top right of the screen.

Series 2, Episode 5: Nana's Party
On the bookshelf.

Series 2, Episode 6: Séance Time
The hare is located near the mirror that conceals the TV camera.

Series 3, Episode 1: The Devil Of Christmas
The hare is on the table in the opening scene, as the camera pans.

Series 3, Episode 2: The Bill
Again, it can be spotted very early in this episode. This time it's in the display in the pillar.

Series 3, Episode 3: The Riddle Of The Sphinx
The hare can be briefly glimpsed on the table in the fireplace...

There is actually a second hare in this episode too. Shearsmith gave a hint on Twitter that hare hunters should look very closely at the crossword. It's not fully filled in by the characters during the episode, but the version in The Guardian allows the grid to be completed. We can't take credit for spotting this, but when you fill it all in you can see in one of the columns the nina (hidden word pattern) "ONE LEPUS" ... Lepus being Hare in Latin. Genius!

Series 3, Episode 4: Empty Orchestra
The hare hides in a picture again... this time it's in the photo Roger pulls out of his wallet.

Series 3, Episode 5: Diddle Diddle Dumpling
The statue is quite easy to locate in this episode - it's sitting with the photos. Shearsmith points out: "In Diddle there are actually two hares - either side of the sideboard - in keeping with the 'pairs' motif of the episode."

Series 3, Episode 6: Private View
Did you spot it in this episode? It was hiding behind a mannequin.

The League Of Gentlemen specials
In a lovely crossover with their other show, Reece and Steve managed to get the hare into the 2017 reunion specials of The League Of Gentlemen. Tubbs and Edward were squatting in Flat 9, and the hare could be spotted as one of the items for sale on their 'shop' counter...

Series 4, Episode 1: Zanzibar
In the opener for Series 4, the hare could be spotted in Mr Green's room, 915.

Series 4, Episode 2: Bernie Clifton's Dressing Room
The hare can be seen at various points during the episode on the table of props, next to the umbrella.

Series 4, Episode 3: Once Removed
What a cleverly plotted episode this was. The hare was quite simple though. It could be spotted in one of the boxes:

Series 4, Episode 4: To Have And To Hold
There it is on the cupboard.

Series 4, Episode 5: And The Winner Is...
The statue can be spotted in a display cabinet behind Paula.

Series 4, Episode 6: Tempting Fate
Everyone will have seen the hare in this episode... now we know a bit more about its history!

Hallowe'en Special: Dead Line
See it on the table in the entrance hall.

Series 5, Episode 1: The Referee's A W***er
In this series opener, the hare was perched atop the officials' microwave.

Series 5, Episode 2: Death Be Not Proud
The hare can be seen on the white dividing shelf unit in Beattie and Sam's flat.

Series 5, Episode 3: Love's Great Adventure
It was in the dresser's glass-fronted cabinet.

Series 5, Episode 4: Misdirection
The hare is on the table where the alcohol is, next to the radio.

Series 5, Episode 5: Thinking Out Loud
The hare is hidden in multiple places in this episode. It's hiding behind a plant in Nadia's living room:

On the shelf in Angel's bedroom...

And over Aidan's shoulder.

Series 5, Episode 6: The Stakeout
An illustrated version of the hare appears in a newspaper cutting, 17 minutes into the episode:

Series 6, Episode 1: Wuthering Heist
A big hat tip to fan Logan French for being the first to spot the hare in the first episode of the sixth series - as most hare hunters (including us) missed spotting it at first. It flies past the screen 13 minutes into the episode, as the explosion occurs.

Series 6, Episode 2: Simon Says
There's the hare... on the bookshelf in the bedroom. It appears to be wearing some kind of a mask?

Series 6, Episode 3: Lip Service
Is that the statue's ears in the window, in the opening seconds of the episode when Felix is looking through the binoculars?

Maybe, maybe not. Emily Davidson spotted the hare definitely though... look at the label on the toiletries in the bathroom.

Series 6, Episode 4: Hurry Up And Wait
Take a look at the shelves in the bedroom.

Series 6, Episode 5: How Do You Plead?
The hare is seen in silhouette in the wardrobe, as Urban is getting out the barrister's robes and wig.

Series 6, Episode 6: Last Night of the Proms
In the room where the food is, the statue is on the mantlepiece near the window through which Penny first spots Yusuf.

Series 7, Episode 1: Merrily, Merrily
The statue is next to the shrine that Lawrence built for Bonnie.

Series 7, Episode 2: Mr King
It's in the office!

Series 7, Episode 3: Nine Lives Kat
This is a hard one. The hare is briefly visible by the laptop in the episode's final scene.

There's a 'bonus hare' on the back cover of the book in this scene too. The logo for Pemberton & Shearsmith Editorial Ltd appears to be a hare or rabbit.

Series 7, Episode 4: Kid/Nap
An obvious one... it's by the door in the kidnap house.

Series 7, Episode 5: A Random Act of Kindness
On their podcast, Reece and Steve said this was an easy one to locate... but we found it quite hard. It's in Zack's room.

Series 7, Episode 6: Wise Owl
The statue can be spotted on a shelf in the scene where Ronnie meets his dad.

Series 8, Episode 1: The Bones of St. Nicholas
It's in the room where the phone is.

Series 8, Episode 2: Mother's Ruin
It's in the low-down alcove. You get a good look at it two minutes into the programme when Edward rolls up the carpet.

Series 8, Episode 3: Paraskevidekatriaphobia
The cat decides to spend time with the hare under the bed.

Series 8, Episode 4: Love Is A Stranger
This was quite a hard one we thought... it was behind Norman.

Series 8, Episode 5: 3 by 3
For a split second, the hare appears on the big screen at the very end of the episode.

Series 8, Episode 6: The Last Weekend
About 14 minutes into the episode (as Joe walks towards Chas talking about Blue Jeans Baby), the illusive animal pops up as a doorstop.

Series 9, Episode 1: Boo to a Goose
A previous passenger scribbled a hare on to one of the poles on the train.

Series 9, Episode 2: The Trolley Problem
This one took us ages to spot, as it only appears in the background. It's near the sink. Although it appears a couple of times early in the episode, the clearest view of it is probably when the gun is drawn.

Series 9, Episode 3: Mulberry Close
The statue can be seen at the end of the episode, as the police officer's body cam observes the crime scene.

Series 9, Episode 4: CTRL, ALT, ESC
The object we're looking for can be seen via one of the CCTV cameras.

Series 9, Episode 5: Curse of the Ninth
26 minutes into the episode, it can be spotted behind the vase as Lillian walks towards her fate.

Series 9, Episode 6: Plodding On
It's not the 'official' sized statue (maybe that was hidden somewhere else and we've not spotted it yet - do email in if you did see another one), but there was a big tribute statue to the hare either side of the screen showing the guests the highlights.

There was also a bonus hare in the credits. "Europa Lepus" is a Latin nod towards the European breed of hare.

Here's a YouTube video highlighting all the locations:
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