- TV sitcom that was never made
- BBC One
- 2012
BBC Salford Sitcom Showcase pilot about two 20-something brothers still living at home, despite their parents' best efforts to get rid of them.
Key details
Homeboys centres around a dysfunctional family living in Manchester - Terry and Eileen are trying to get their lives back by getting their 20-something sons to finally leave home. But David and Brian have other plans, despite their parents' best efforts to get rid of them.
David is a cocky damp-proofing salesman who thinks he's a big shot (but who still loves having his pants washed by his mum), and Brian is an agoraphobic who hasn't left the house since he was eight and spends a lot of time under the kitchen table. Add Janine, their spiteful younger sister to the mix, and their parents' dream of a quiet life looks more and more unlikely... although they'd secretly miss all the mayhem their kids cause if they ever did leave home!
Homeboys is an insight into the lives of those who just can't grow up, which in David's case defies his wannabe big-shot status. Brian is spending a lot of time under the kitchen table, whilst youngest sibling Janine can't quite believe she has such big-kids as older brothers.
Lesley Sharp: Eileen
Daniel Ryan: Terry
Blake Harrison: David
Marc Pickering: Brian
Sacha Parkinson: Janine
Also featuring Kayvan Novak, Doon Mackichan, Theo Barklem-Biggs and Charlotte Spencer.
Writer: Pete Jackson
Producer: Ben Worsfield
Director: Michael Lembeck
Executive Producer: Mario Stylianides
Production Company: Lucky Giant
See Also:
'Michael Lembeck: Directing Homeboys' blog
This pilot is part of the BBC Salford Sitcom Showcase 2013.
Additional details
- Production
- Studio
- Picture
- Colour