- TV sitcom
- ITV1
- 2003 - 2004
- 12 episodes (2 series)
Set in Hamway's Hardware Store, this sitcom follows the lives of its fanatical DIY staff Mike, Kenny, Steve and Rex. Stars Martin Freeman, Peter Serafinowicz, Ken Morley, Ryan Cartwright, Susan Earl and Ella Kenion
Character guide
Mike is a blunt and grumpy DIY fanatic who works in Rex's shop. He tries unsuccessfully to avoid the laddish chat but often gets sucked in. Currently dating Anne, he displays a more sensitive side to his nature when at home with her, though their relationship still suffers the normal ups and downs of modern love.
Smug, worldly and slightly dim Kenny spends most of his time distracted from his main job. He does find time in episode six of the first series to build a large luxury house for little rodents though.
DIY shop owner and boss Ken thinks he is in charge but really has no say over anything. Despite his age he has a juvenile obsession with sex which probably has something to do with his 40 year marriage that isn't going too well.
Part-time trainee Steve is a student who manages to cause many problems, partly due to being rather clumsy and pre-occupied. Being quite naïve, innocent and intelligent, the hardware shop probably isn't the best place for him to spend his time.
Anne is Mike's girlfriend and the owner of the local coffee shop where the boys hang out.
Julie is Anne's friend and colleague. She is big, bubbly and a bit surely at times. When it comes to relationships, she is rather 'easy'.