British Comedy Guide
The Graham Norton Show. Graham Norton. Credit: So Television, Christopher Baines
The Graham Norton Show

The Graham Norton Show

  • TV chat show
  • BBC One / BBC Two
  • 2007 - 2024
  • 514 episodes (32 series)

Comic chat show presented by Graham Norton. The biggest names in showbiz join the host on his sofa.


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Series 20, Episode 8 - Tom Hanks, Gemma Arterton, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Mo Farah, Olly Murs

Tom Hanks says he was intimidated by Clint Eastwood; Gemma Arterton says she likes being the only woman in a male dominated cast; Joseph Gordon-Levitt says he hopes Obama pardons Edward Snowden; Mo Farah says he'll hang up his spikes in London; and Olly Murs says he is single and happy again.

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Further details

Tom Hanks, talking about his new film Sully, says "I thought I was going to make a movie that lasted 208 seconds (the length of time the real life drama took to unfold). Which would have been a fine payday! The film is act two and three to what happened on the day."

Asked about the real man he plays, he says, "Sully was very particular about how we portrayed the procedure and the emotions." Asked if that was to an annoying degree, he adds, "I'll just say this, I visited him and he said, 'Nice to meet you, glad you were on time. Clint [director Clint Eastwood] turned up and he was 20 minutes late.'

"Then he pulled out this dog-eared, stapled and notated script that he had read. Post-its, stapled index cards all over it - I'm sure his wife had even written 'No' across it in lipstick! We went through every page and every moment, every beat had been commented on. He had opinions!"

Revealing that people now think he is an aviation expert, Tom says, "Just as we were flying from New York to London we had to turn around because the landing gear would not retract and everybody on the plane looked to me to explain what was going on. I calmly said, 'It's very interesting, landing gear actually comes down by nature - it's gravity. The actual apparatus is in the raising of the landing gear - that's where the hydraulics are.' Everyone was very calm from that moment on! It was hilarious!"

Asked if he had been intimidated by the film's director, Clint Eastwood, raising his eyebrow he says, "You certainly don't want one of those Eastwood looks!" revealing, "He treats his actors like horses because when he did the 60's series Rawhide the director would shout 'Action!' all the horses bolted. So when he's in charge he says in a really quiet soft voice [Tom imitates Clint brilliantly], 'All right, go ahead,' and instead of shouting 'Cut!' he says 'That's enough of that.' It's intimidating as hell!"

Tom, talking about being give the Medal of Freedom by Obama, and asked what it actually means, says, "It's a honour and I'm in good company and I'm looking forward to rubbing shoulders at the buffet!"

Reminded that the filmmaker Michael Moore has suggested Tom run for president of the US, he jokes, "I'm not qualified to be the president of the Three Stooges' fan club!"

Gemma Arterton, talking about her new play Saint Joan, says, "Post Brexit and post Trump, I think it's quite interesting - it's like a medieval saint walks into Deutsche Bank."

Asked if it ends with her being burnt at the stake, she says, "We don't know yet, we're only mid way through rehearsals so that's still up for grabs, but I kind of hope not as that's usually when you go off for a glass of wine!" Adding flirtatiously, "It's a huge role for an actress and I am the only woman among 13 very lovely men! It's great. Fantastic!"

Joseph Gordon-Levitt, describing his new film Snowden, says, "The truth is, when Oliver Stone first offered me the role I was just excited to be working with him because he has made so many great movies. But my very next thought was, 'Which one is Snowden? Did he leak something?' You get so much news and if you don't take the time to look into something you don't retain it. I had to do some learning before I jumped into the role."

Talking more about Edward Snowden, Joseph says, "I understand why they call him a criminal, but what the government agencies did was illegal and they lied. I think we should be grateful to Snowden for putting his life on the line by putting his hand up to say the government was doing something wrong."

Asked what it was like to meet Snowden, Joseph says, "I went to Moscow and spent about four hours with him and got some useful feedback. I don't get easily star-struck but sitting with this guy was a whole different thing. This is a guy that risked his life to stand up for what he believes in and make the world a better place. I believe my kid is going to grow up in a better world because of what he did."

And on whether he thinks Obama might pardon Snowden, Joseph says, "Ultimately what he did was a great service to his country and the world. Whether Obama will do it remains to be seen. I would love to see him pardon Snowden especially in the current climate - it would give a strong message that we do not want to live under an authoritarian government."

Mo Farah, wearing his trademark running shoes with a formal suit, joins Graham for a chat. Asked if, when he tripped in the Olympics, he wondered if the race was worth bothering about, says, "I panicked and thought the race was over but then I thought I had worked four years for it so couldn't give up and I had promised my daughter a gold medal for her birthday. All the other children have one and I couldn't let her down."

Talking more about Rio, he says, "It wasn't the same as London - there was lots of stuff going on but you just had to deal with, get the job done and get out!"

Asked about the future, Mo says, "I'm healthy so I'm just keeping going. There's London 2017 and after that I'd like to do the marathon. I want to hang up my spikes in London where it all started. I hope it ends well here in London."

In a TV exclusive, Olly Murs performs Years and Years before joining Graham for a chat. Talking about the inspiration for his album he says, "It is a heart break album and was difficult to write. I am single again and over it but it was tough for a while. I am enjoying life again."

And finally, Graham pulls the lever on more foolhardy audience members brave enough to sit in the Red Chair. One story in particular brings back memories for Tom.

Broadcast details

Friday 25th November 2016
60 minutes

Cast & crew

Graham Norton Host / Presenter
Guest cast
Tom Hanks Guest
Olly Murs Guest
Gemma Arterton Guest
Mo Farah Guest
Joseph Gordon-Levitt Guest
Writing team
Rob Colley Writer
Christine Rose Writer
Production team
Steve Smith Director
Jon Magnusson Series Producer
Rina Dayalji Producer
Pete Snell Producer
Vicky Taylor Producer
Graham Stuart Executive Producer
Catherine Strauss Line Producer
Perry Widdowson Editor
Chris Webster Production Designer
Lindsey McLean Costume Designer
Mandy Furlonger Make-up Designer
Chris Rigby Lighting Designer
Jonathan Whitehead (as Trellis) Composer
Kerry Hussain Graphics


Meeting Edward Snowden's parents

Joseph Gordon-Levitt talks about the emotional meeting he had with Edward Snowden's parents.

Featuring: Graham Norton, Tom Hanks, Gemma Arterton & Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

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