Fawlty Towers Waldorf Salad script under auction

An original Fawlty Towers script is currently being auctioned in Bristol.
The camera script - the final version of the script, with directions, used for the actual studio filming of the programme - is for the Series 2 episode Waldorf Salad, in which an American husband and his British wife visit the hotel.
Filmed on Sunday 21st January 1979 in BBC Television Centre's Studio 1, it was the first episode of the series to be recorded but aired third in the run, on 5th March.
The yellowed, 98-page camera script was discovered amongst the possessions of a former BBC camera operator following his death.
Due to go under the hammer on Monday, pre-bidding online already has the item at £920 before fees and taxes.
View and bid on the script at East Bristol auctions.