Are you a Friday Night Dinner superfan?

Production company Big Talk -- who make Channel 4's brilliant Friday Night Dinner - are making a one-off documentary to celebrate 10 years of the hit sitcom. You can read more about the plans in our news story
They're now looking for superfans, who would be up for taking part in the documentary.
They say: "We want to hear your most fabulous FND stories: are you a dead ringer for a cast member; can you do an impression of any of the cast; re-enact your fav scenes; do you have a dog called Wilson; or a tattoo inspired by the show? We want to know why you love the show so much and how much it means to you.
"If you have something FND related to share and would like to be considered to take part in this historic show please send a video* (shooting the video message on landscape not portrait please!) showcasing your fandom to:"
(*do not fear, videos will not be broadcast without prior written consent!)