Team Captains interview

Jennifer Gibney, Danny O'Carroll, Paddy Houlihan and Fiona O'Carroll talk about taking part in For Facts Sake...
Jennifer Gibney

How would you describe For Facts Sake?
I would describe it as a fun television show about all of the trivial stuff in my husband's head!
Did you enjoy being team captain on the show?
Yes, it was fun and I loved having members of the audience as team mates.
Do you think Brendan makes a good host?
Yes, he is very entertaining and he was in his element swinging on his chair, calling all the shots.
Did you, Danny, Paddy and Fiona find yourselves getting really competitive?
Do you mean more than usual??? We weren't waiting on For Facts Sake to be competitive.
What was the most surprising fact you learnt from the show?
The best before date on EVERY packet of crisps is always a Monday....(its true - check your crisps).
Finally do you have an interesting or unusual fact you could tell us?
Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries.
Danny O'Carroll

What was the best thing about being a team captain on For Facts Sake?
I think the best thing was having a laugh with my audience team mates. There are some really weird/funny/interesting people out there.
Viewers are used to seeing you as Buster Brady, whose not known for being the smartest kid on the block, are you out to impress with your general knowledge?
Out of all the people that Dad could have asked to be a team captain on his panel show I still wonder why he asked me. I think viewers will finally see that there's not much acting involved when playing the part of Buster Brady, ha ha.
In the show you compete against your best friend and your sister, did this bring back any childhood rivalries?
Not really between myself and Paddy, because we know each other so well. We've been best friends since we were 10 years old. I know and he knows that I could never beat him in a general knowledge quiz but he also knows that he could never beat me in ANY sport. With Fiona maybe a little bit... (laughs).
Would you like to follow in your dad's footsteps and host your own panel show?
No I don't think I'd be the right person to host a panel show but I've love to have a go at presenting in the future. At the minute though I just love acting.
Paddy Houlihan

How would you describe For Facts Sake?
Factual warfare! The facts I believed to be true were in fact lies. Next time somebody offers me a fact or piece of trivia I will investigate it thoroughly, at a minimum I'll google it.
Viewers will see you competing against your best friend Danny and on screen wife Fiona, was there any rivalry between you?
Myself and Danny have never had any rivalry, we first met as ten year olds while fighting each other, even then Danny was cheering for me to win (which I did). But with this he was a different animal. We haven't spoken since.
Fiona is competitive but I didn't feel a rivalry as such, I just didn't think she was capable of beating me. Rumours of her cheating are untrue... probably. If she defeated me, it was fair and square... probably.
Who was the most competitive?
Jenny. Without a shadow of a doubt. Nobody likes losing but Jenny takes it to another level. I was reliably informed she asked for a full recount of all scores in the hope of securing the win.
What was your most memorable fact from the show?
The fact Kirsty Gallacher said I was lovely. I can't remember what she said exactly but I do remember at the time it made me feel warm and fuzzy.
Can you tell us an interesting or unusual fact?
Yes. I love this fact: The calcium in our bones and the iron in our blood came from ancient explosions of giant stars.
Fiona O'Carroll

Fiona, in one of the shows, you compete against your brother? Did that bring back any childhood rivalries?
Not really. We are all pretty competitive but against each other it's really just a bit of fun. It allows for some good banter! (Danny might say different).
Does Brendan make a good panel show host?
Brendan (aka Dad) makes a great host anywhere. Although on this show I'm sure he probably felt more like a referee at times.
Do you have a funny or memorable moment from filming the show?
There is too many funny moments. Hard to pick just one. The most awkward moment though was when Dad and I had to be birds and I had to do a dance to try and attract him. It was just weird and totally cringy.
What was the most surprising fact you've learnt?
I don't do very good bird impersonations - fact!
Can you tell us an interesting or unusual fact?
There is a town in Canada called 'Dildo'. Who ever said Canadians didn't have a sense of humour?!