Sophia Di Martino interview

Sophia Di Martino says it is really important to focus on mental health issues.
What did you make of how Series 1 of Flowers was received? You must have been delighted with the reception?
Yes, totally delighted. It's such a special show and it's great to share that. It's nice to know that people get it.
What was it that initially attracted you to the role?
Amy is a complex character full of frustration, passion and this wild wild energy. She's also kind of funny and goofy. It's just a pleasure to play her.
It's not always an easy watch, is it?
No. Flowers deals with challenging subjects, most notably mental health problems. It's never going to be an easy watch when we're talking honestly about these things. However, I think Will does a fantastic job of weaving in a sense of hope throughout the show. There is a lot of dark, but he manages to sneak in the light too. The show is meant to make you laugh as well as everything else.
Things have moved on quite a lot for Amy since Series 1, haven't they? Where is she at the start of this?
At the start of Series 2, Amy is in an okay place. She's survived being struck by lightning and having her heart broken and she's grown up a little bit. She's in a happy relationship, she's started a band who are doing pretty well, she even has a few friends! We find her starting to become interested in where she's from, beginning a quest to investigate her roots and her family history.
She has friends and she has creative satisfaction and a degree of success. Can we just assume that everything will be totally happy and plain sailing from now on?
Oh no, never assume that. This is Flowers.

The series deals with bipolar disorder - specifically, Amy's bipolar disorder. Did you do much research into the condition?
I met with the charity Mind and had a really interesting time talking with them and a girl my age who had been diagnosed bipolar. I wanted to try and understand how it feels to experience such extremities in emotion and hear an honest account of how that affects you and your view of the world.
Did you discuss it with Will, based on his own experiences?
I did yes. He's very open and honest about his experiences. That also makes for a wonderful and safe atmosphere at work.
Do you feel a sense of responsibility, portraying something that is so significant in so many people's lives?
Of course, yes. Huge responsibility to give as honest a portrayal as much as possible. I think that's why this show is so important though. It's a silly comedy that has cool costumes but it's also a show about mental health and if it gets people talking about that, then that's good. It's so so so so important for us to keep talking about it and learn how to be open about how we're feeling.
We're making it all sound incredibly depressing - does the series still have the ability to make us laugh as well as cry?
YES! The sense of humour in the show is so silly it (hopefully) balances out the sadness and also provides a sense of relief. Will is amazing at making you laugh at the same time as crying. Which (for me) is really not a pretty sight.
Does Amy still have that special, slightly awkward and deeply touching relationship with her dad?
She has grown up a bit and has developed a bit more confidence in this series but her and Maurice still have a very special, awkward thing going on, yes.
And does she still have a somewhat antagonistic relationship with Donald?
Oh yes! Amy and Donald will have this forever. Maybe even more so now that Amy is doing pretty well and Donald is still... well, Donald.
What was it like all being back on set together?
Like ten years had passed and only a day had passed at the same time. I honestly wish we could do it every year.
Do you think the subject matter makes for a different experience on set?
Definitely. Everyone is really honest and open and supportive of each other. And silly. We're all really silly.
Did you ever find it emotionally traumatic?
I found it extremely emotional but not traumatic. I was so supported. If anything, it was the opposite, I felt really grateful to have such wonderful souls around me.