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Cuckoo. Image shows from L to R: Ivy (Andie MacDowell), Ken (Greg Davies). Copyright: Roughcut Television


  • TV sitcom
  • BBC Three / BBC Three (Online)
  • 2012 - 2019
  • 33 episodes (5 series)

BBC Three comedy starring Greg Davies as the constantly infuriated husband and father of a peculiar family. Also features Helen Baxendale, Esther Smith, Tyger Drew-Honey, Kenneth Collard, Juliet Cowan and more.


Series 3 cast interview

Cuckoo. Image shows from L to R: Dylan (Tyger Drew-Honey), Rachel (Esther Smith), Ivy (Andie MacDowell), Ken (Greg Davies), Lorna (Helen Baxendale), Steve (Kenneth Collard). Copyright: Roughcut Television

Greg Davies, Taylor Lautner, Helen Baxendale, Esther Smith and Tyger Drew-Honey talk about returning for a third series of Cuckoo...

Greg Davies

Cuckoo. Ken (Greg Davies). Copyright: Roughcut Television

Where do we see Ken in the new series?

He thinks he's about to get rid of his son, which he is delighted about; his daughter is about to get a job, plus there are no insane Americans in his life. Saying that, there is quite a nice moment this series when you realise that he doesn't actually hate his son.

What is it about Ken that the audience relates to?

There's a lot of talk about having adventures in life, but really we all want a degree of stability. There's not much of an adventurer in Ken. He would think differently but there's isn't; he's a home bod who likes things just so. He likes patterns of behaviour, like having a curry on a certain night. He's constantly fighting a tide of chaos.

Can you identify with Ken?

I wish I was more like him in a way, because I haven't got any order in my life - I still live in chaos like a teenager. I can also identify with him in that I crave some structure, which he's very good at it. But we're fighting opposite battles: he's trying to fight off anarchy and I'm trying to bring in order.

What's it like with Taylor?

He's a delight. To come from the place he comes from, done the things he's done so early in his career, for him to be level-headed, so nice and down to earth and a decent chap - he's great. We're from very different generations and very different body types and we're friends, which shows that you can bridge those gaps.

Are there any moments on set that you've enjoyed or have stood out?

'Enjoyed' is a tricky word. We blew up some plastic ducks up in the dead of night using industrial strength explosives - I expected it to be a pop, but it was a bang that woke up houses for miles around, that genuinely frightened me. I did enjoy singing a Billy Bragg song in front of a load of sweaty students. I don't think there are enough students who are aware of the work of Billy.

Do you have any Ken-like pranks from university?

I don't remembered any structured jokes, I don't know if we were so sophisticated to do pranks or jokes on each other, it was just an awful orgy of alcohol. I once went to a fancy dress party with friends I lived with and we all dressed up as Satan. We painted ourselves red from head to toe in kiddy craft paint but we couldn't get our horns to stick, so we superglued them to our heads. I had horns stuck to my head for four days and couldn't go out! I loved university - I learnt nothing but they were great times.

Taylor Lautner

Cuckoo. Dale (Taylor Lautner). Copyright: Roughcut Television

How have things changed since we last saw Dale?

The last time we saw Dale was at the end of the Christmas special, when Rachel told him that she was having a hard time with their relationship. He decided it was best to take some time out, go away and gather his thoughts.

How have dynamics changed between the two?

After being gone for quite some time the dynamic has definitely changed. Dale and Rachel haven't seen each other in so long and a few things have happened on both sides that we see play out this series.

How has it been back working with Greg?

It's been amazing being back with Greg. I missed him the whole time I was gone. This time we were able to mesh straight away - even more so than before. I think everyone's really happy with the Dale/Ken relationship this season because the Taylor/Greg one is even stronger.

I heard you've done some of your own stunts?

There has been a lot more action for Dale in this season, especially in China, and I was thankful I was allowed to do most of those stunts and have some challenging days.
Do you think you've found a niche for doing comedy? How is it different to drama and film?

It's very different in some ways and similar in other ways, but I have so much fun with it. Doing a lot of drama earlier in my career and now exploring comedy has been a treat for me and I've had an absolute blast and I hope to continue.

What would like to see happen to Dale in the future?

I would love to see Dale staying in Lichfield for the rest of his life, living with Thompsons, married to Rachel. It's that simple.

What have been your highlights of filming?

There have been so many highlights. We started filming the China stuff with Dale, and playing the same character but in a completely different element was a lot of fun. Doing a bunch of the action sequences was a blast; filming out in Beaconsfield in Cumbria was awesome and it was beautiful on the farm with two cute baby puppies. We've been filming on a sound stage and it's been a little different.

Dale is quite the explorer and traveller - what are you top destinations?

I've been very lucky to travel quite a bit and explore the world, which has been amazing and it's hard to choose one or two specific spots which are my favourites. I definitely love Australia. I've been to Sydney and Melbourne a couple of times and I love those places. Honestly, for a big city, London is by far my favourite city on earth and I'm not just saying that! Rome, Paris...the list could go on. I love exploring and see the different cultures, food and people but it's been great to get back to London for these past few months.

What have you enjoyed about being back in London?

I spent a lot of time this trip learning the English/British language. It's a little different to America so I've spent my time in the make-up chair asking what certain words mean. I've found the world's most versatile word - cheeky. The amount of ways you guys can use the word cheeky is quite impressive. I've also gotten confused with 'cheers' quite a bit. I often a leave a room saying 'cheers' and they are like 'oh no it's not goodbye' and I'm like, oh okay. I've learned a lot of your awesome words and your inflections on things and that's been really fun.

Helen Baxendale

Cuckoo. Image shows from L to R: Ken (Greg Davies), Lorna (Helen Baxendale). Copyright: Roughcut Television

We last saw Lorna at the Christmas special, how has life changed for her since then?

Well, her husband had lied about having a vasectomy! She has gone from having two grown children, a job, a life that is sorted and easy again, to the start of this series when she's having a baby at the age of 40 plus-plus-plus [laughs] and she thinks it's her turn to return to work and wants Ken to take paternity leave. It's all a bit up in the air - much like having a baby!

What is it about Lorna that the audience can relate to?

She's a proper mum and wants everybody to be happy all the time, to make everything okay - she doesn't want anyone to be upset with anyone. I think that's quite relatable as I share that with her, I'm a pacifier and I don't like conflict. She also has flaws and a past and been a bit of a one! I really like her!

Have there been any funny moments on set this series or any highlights?

We went on location to Buckinghamshire which was so beautiful, and there was even a helicopter - but then everyone got hay fever. We camped and that was nice.

What's it like working with Greg?

He's the most lovely lovely man you could ever meet and he's obviously very funny to work with and very entertaining and very self-deprecating. Yeah, he's ace. You could say he's really distracting and makes me laugh!

What was it about the series that appealed to you and made you want keep coming back?

It's just such a brilliant programme, I think it's the best thing I've ever done, everyone in it is such a laugh and so lovely. It's just a joy to do - there aren't many cases like this!

What's it like having a programme set in Lichfield?

I come from Lichfield, where the series is set. So playing someone who came from Lichfield is just great and I Iove that Lichfield is getting a bit of air time.

Esther Smith

Cuckoo. Image shows from L to R: Rachel (Esther Smith), Dale (Taylor Lautner). Copyright: Roughcut Television

We last saw Rachel at the end of the Christmas special - how's everything changed for her since then?

A lot has changed for Rachel since we last saw her. I think she's been left pretty stagnant from Dale's disappearance where she was left pretty heartbroken and I think she's had a period of trying to figure that out within herself.

I think she realised at the end of the Christmas special she loved him and wanted to be with him but then he left. It's not until he comes back in this series it gives her a kick up the backside and propels her into moving on to the next part of her life, which shakes her up and gives her a bit more of a focus on what she wants to do with her life in terms of her career and personal life.

How would you characterise her relationship with Dale in this series?

It's a tricky one because she's been really clear with him that she wants something more but he's been very resistant so the tables have slightly turned, which is so frustrating for her and they are maintaining a very kind of friendly level. But for Rachel - she definitely wants to move forward, but will it?

Has there been a particular scene that you've found enjoyable?

I was trying to think because we've crammed so much in and there have been so many amazing things that happen in this series! I think my favourite is the second episode and literally anything and everything in that we filmed! I don't want to give too much away but there are so many ridiculous things that happen.

It's also been really interesting working with a baby on this series as well because you can't control a baby, so if they do a funny face or make a funny noise or cry, then you can't control that and that's been quite funny. Maybe not to everyone else but I've found it endlessly hilarious!

Do you feel more at home now that you're on your second series on the show?

Yeah. The first series for me was obviously Series 2, I was obviously really nervous coming in but everyone made me feel really welcome, which was lovely as it was such a daunting task. What also really helped with that was having other new people in that series such as Taylor and Matt Lacey [Ben], so this series we feel like we're not the newbies anymore and it just feels a lot more settled and lovely.

Tyger Drew-Honey

Cuckoo. Dylan (Tyger Drew-Honey). Copyright: Roughcut Television

We last saw Dylan at Christmas, where he was desperately trying to impress Zoe, who he is whipped by, and for the time being that seems to have worked. His relationship with Zoe is still on and off.
Dylan has just got into university doing Media Studies and actually I think Dylan would love that as there is a 7:1 girl/boy ratio there! He went on a lads' holiday in the summer to Magaluf and got very drunk every night spending his dad's lawyer money. Now he's gone off to university trying to do something!

Do you think that Ken and Dylan are more alike than they would care to admit?

I personally don't think that Ken and Dylan are particularly alike. I think that Ken is very intelligent and he's got a very good job and you have to be very intelligent to do that, whereas Dylan has a few moments in Series 3 where there are some very obvious things that he misses and says some stupid things.

I think that Ken is quite a nice person. When he first meets Dale, he is a bit like, "who is this person coming into my house?" but by the end of Series 2 there is a very lovely relationship between Dale and Ken. I think that Dylan is still a lot harder to get any form of nicety out of, and is a lot surlier.

Is there something that the teenage audience can particularly relate to with Dylan?

Dylan is not a particularly nice piece of work and at the end of the day there are moments when you do see his sweet side and you do know that deep down he is a good person. One of the main things that makes Dylan funny is that he is so outrageously rude to his parents when they have annoyed him, which is quite relatable for a lot of teenagers when their parents say they can't do something or you have to do this/you have to do that.

Have there been any scenes or moments on set that have been a highlight for you?

It wasn't really on set - it was off set in the make-up room. One of the make-up artists did some great artwork on the mirrors. One day, when everyone was on set, I changed all the pictures so all of them were in their underwear and not one of them knew who it was.

New episodes from Series 3 of Cuckoo are published on BBC Three's website on Tuesdays and repeated on BBC One on the following Monday.

Published: Monday 15th February 2016

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