Counterfeit Cat
- TV sitcom
- Disney XD
- 2016 - 2018
- 52 episodes (1 series)
Animated comedy series for Disney XD about an alien and a vain housecat. Stars Marc Wootton, Kayvan Novak, Alex Kelly, Sandra Dickinson, Katherine Ryan and more.
Series 1
1. Bin Juice
Thursday 12th May 2016
Max recounts the tale of how he and Gark became internationally famous.
2. Where Do All The Cat Toys Go?
Thursday 12th May 2016
Max loses his favourite toy leading to him and Gark being engulfed in a rip in space time.
3. Max vs Machine
Thursday 19th May 2016
Max finds he can't manipulate the automatic cat feeder the same way he could Betty.
4. Heart Of Garkness
Thursday 19th May 2016
Max and Gark find themselves on an unexpected journey through the murky depths of a sewer.
5. Go Viral
Thursday 26th May 2016
Keen to help Max, Gark uses his powers more than he should until they begin to go out of control.
6. Catiquette
Thursday 26th May 2016
Gark and Max must pass a series of tests to prove their worth as cats.
7. Betty Laser Eyes
Thursday 2nd June 2016
Betty's bad eyesight leads to her buying dog biscuits instead of cat treats. Gark tries to help but by giving Betty laser eye surgery he starts a war with a race of googly eyed aliens.
8. Furst Born
Thursday 9th June 2016
When Max uses a furball enhancer it goes wrong and he can't stop coughing up furballs. The balls become a furball baby called Phlegmy, forcing Max and Gark to act as its parents.
9. Catnipped
Saturday 11th June 2016
There's a full moon and Max turns crazy, refusing to stop playing with a catnip toy and running away. Gark puts together a search party to fetch him home.
10. Wormhole
Monday 13th June 2016
Gark has a wormhole. Max jumps into it and Gark follows. As they float through space he swaps his powers for a bravery module to make Max be brave when he gets back to Earth.
11. Hang In There
Thursday 16th June 2016
Max and Gark mistake a famous poster of a cat for a real animal, and when the poster disintegrates they think the world will end unless they find a replacement.
12. Wart Attack
Thursday 23rd June 2016
Gark notices a wart on Betty's face that seems to have appeared overnight, he's terrified that it must be Zaxos, an intergalactic criminal who's out to get him.
13. The Scarlet Mark
Thursday 5th January 2017
When a piano almost lands on Max while he is napping in the park, Gark investigates. Max thinks Gark is responsible, but a witness emerges who reveals the true culprit.
14. The Last Yogi Standing
Thursday 5th January 2017
Gark learns Max was a yoga champion until being humiliated in a contest. He signs himself and Max up for a competition then finds Max's old partner is also competing.
15. No Pranks Thanks
Thursday 12th January 2017
Inspired by a TV prank show, Max starts playing them on Gark and the others. The pranks escalate until they cause people not to believe a planet-eating monster is coming for them. But it is...
16. The Vet
Thursday 12th January 2017
When Max is set to go to the vet he persuades Gark it's a spa for cats, so Gark goes in his place. Then Max learns if Gark is prodded he may explode and destroy the earth - can he stop it happening?
17. Staring Dog
Thursday 19th January 2017
Staring Dog has come to stay in the apartment while Wilma is away but his presence is freaking out Max by staring at him. Gark is determined to find out why.
18. 28 Seconds Later
Thursday 19th January 2017
When Gark is sick Max makes him better with the orb, but is careless with it and infects the whole city with black goo.
19. Kitty Latte
Thursday 26th January 2017
Max realises something is wrong with Betty, and discovers she's frequenting a cat cafe, not realising it's run by Gark's nemesis, the Cat Toy God, who's trying to steal Betty from him.
20. The Big One
Thursday 26th January 2017
Following an ominous message on his codex, Gark knows something bad is about to happen. His quest to dfind out what is is causes him to be estranged from Max.
21. Fat Cat
Thursday 2nd February 2017
Max's nemesis, The Cat Toy God, is on the war path again trying to prove once and for all that he's the best. Max emulates his new TV idol, by doing nothing and eating vast quantities of food.
22. Bathtub Of Terror
Thursday 2nd February 2017
Max is terrified of looking into the bath as he's scared something terrifying will emerge. Gark makes his fears come true, but the situation soon gets out of hand.
23. Fleabag
Thursday 9th February 2017
On Valentine's Day Max has a secret date, but Gark reads his mind and learns his plans. When Max gets fleas just before the date Max shrinks himself to eliminate them but instead causes chaos.
24. Humanoid
Thursday 9th February 2017
Gark convinces Max Betty is lonely and they should find her a man. Then Gark decides making her one would be better. Throckmorton downloads into the humanoid and he and Betty fall in love!
25. 9 Lives
Thursday 16th February 2017
Max panics when he realises he's already lost six of his nine lives!
26. Breaking Bread
Thursday 16th February 2017
Max and Gark harness Gark's laser-toasting powers to make the most delicious bread crumbs in the world.
27. Fun In The Sun
Monday 5th June 2017
Betty is taking a vacation and is leaving Max and Gark with her cat-obsessed daughter.
29. Cat Box Of Fear
Tuesday 6th June 2017
Max is scared of being in his cat box and vacuum cleaners. Gark decides to rid cats of all their fears, turning the cat box into a time machine.
30. Max Me No Questions
Tuesday 6th June 2017
Max is fed up with Gark's incessant questions. He's pleased when a box with an emoji interface called Omni arrives to answer them, but then gets jealous.
31. Happy Earthday
Wednesday 7th June 2017
Max and Throckmorton throw Gark a surprise party to celebrate his first year on Earth. They show him a video adventure they have made, to show they're pleased he came.
32. Zaxos Returns
Wednesday 7th June 2017
A giant wart has appeared on Betty's nose. Max deduces this means Zaxos is back.They decide it's just a wart but then Zaxos appears and she seems to have changed.
33. Virtual Insanity
Thursday 8th June 2017
When Max forces Gark to stop playing a virtual reality game, the pair are transported back through video game time to an 8-bit reality to meet virtual versions of themselves.
34. Birthdaystruction
Thursday 8th June 2017
Max is not impressed when Betty and Gark surprise him with a birthday party involving a furball sculpture and a ukele serenade, so they summon The Flarshaman, galactic birthday taskmaster.
35. The Cat Crib
Friday 9th June 2017
Max and Gark sign up for a new reality show. Max's cheating turns the other contestants against him, but Gark is forced to help him. Will Max see the error of his ways?
36. Lost In Throckmorton
Friday 9th June 2017
Max gets angry when playing an alien board game and starts randomly pressing buttons on the spaceship, causing Throckmorton to break.
37. Dreamcatcher
Monday 12th June 2017
Gark feels left out when he realises he doesn't have dreams, so Throckmorton arranges for he and Max to take a visit inside Betty's mind.
38. Room Of Panic
Monday 12th June 2017
Max panics when he finds out Betty is leaving him alone with Gark for a long weekend.
39. Mere Mortals
Tuesday 13th June 2017
Max wanders into the park and is horrified to find Gark exercising.
40. The Garkest Timeline
Tuesday 13th June 2017
Gark plays Trash-Ball with other animals in the park.
41. The Gark Knight Rises
Wednesday 14th June 2017
Gark becomes a superhero to fight a chameleon supervillain.
43. I, Maxine
Thursday 15th June 2017
After Max wishes he had powers like Gark, Gark helps him go robotic to earn respect.
44. Gark's Got Talent
Thursday 15th June 2017
Max becomes Gark's agent when he shows talent as a living statue.
45. Mirror Mirror
Friday 16th June 2017
Gark does not see his reflection in the mirror, so the pair journey into mirror-world to find out what's gone wrong.
46. Arugula
Friday 16th June 2017
Gark invents an invisible girlfriend named Arugula, but she soon comes between him and Max!
47. Gone Gark - Part 1
Monday 19th June 2017
Max gives Gark the seemingly impossible task of moving the moon but the unexpected results attracts the attention of a mysterious alien being.
48. Gone Gark - Part 2
Monday 19th June 2017
Max gives Gark the seemingly impossible task of moving the moon but the unexpected results attracts the attention of a mysterious alien being.
49. Merry Christmax
Tuesday 8th May 2018
It's Christmas and Max explains to Gark how mean Santa is, because he never got the toy he wanted.
50. Low Resolutions
Tuesday 8th May 2018
It's New Year's Day and Betty's already struggling with her resolution.
51. Nightmare On Cat Mountain
Thursday 17th May 2018
Max and Gark are trapped inside a cat tower that's actually a luxury hotel for demons