Rosie Perez interview

Rosie Perez says she thinks Series 2 of Bounty Hunters is even better than the first season.
Tell us how you found out that Bounty Hunters would be returning?
I think it was the third day after it debuted. I got a call from [Executive Producer] Ben Cavey, saying Sky had renewed it because the ratings were so high, and I was like "woohoo!"
What is it about playing Nina you most enjoy? Do you enjoy the action element?
I enjoy the action! My body was covered in black and blue everywhere, I had to soak every single night but I love it! I think besides the action, the back and forth with Jack is just so much fun. He's a great comedian, his timing is just impeccable. There were times when we couldn't get through a scene because he laughed the whole way through.

What's different about this second series, what can the audience expect and how does it develop?
Nina and Barnaby's relationship develops and it's all about trust. Somebody comes into your life in a bombastic way but you need each other. Although they don't really know each other, trust comes into the equation.
It's interesting to watch and you see a softer and sillier side to Nina as she starts to open up and get vulnerable. There were moments where her vulnerability would reach the surface and my instincts were to snatch it back because Nina just wasn't ready. So it all boils down to trust and friendship this season.
What is it about the writing that you like the most? Do you ever make suggestions for your character?
As Jack was away for a couple weeks to do Dwayne Johnson's movie - we were so excited for him - I was left with Freddy dealing with the script. At first I was thinking, "oh god this is nerve-wracking I don't know how this is going to turn out." We went through the script so quickly because he's just so smart and so quick.
I already respected Freddy because his comedic timing is exemplary in the written form. He knows Barnaby's character like the back of his hand, and this season I felt like he really got further into Nina's character.
I've gone pretty crazy with my suggestions! Mostly it's to try and keep it in 'American speak', to really stay true to that. I'll say, "y'know Freddy this is a really funny line and I love your thinking but we'll probably have to get rid of it because I would never say that". He says, "right" because he's so British. He doesn't want to be rude and you can tell he doesn't really want to change the line. So I'll say, "alright, instead of getting a new line how can we make it better?"

How does Nina and Barnaby's relationship develop this series?
They still need each other and in that need you have to establish some kind of trust, and for Nina that's very difficult because she's been stabbed in the back so many times in life. Nina and Barnaby both have to put it on the line - literally - while finding a true friendship. I don't want to give away the end but in the final scene I really choked up.
I remember Ben Cavey and the director Toby MacDonald said, "that was really fine acting" and I'm like "thank you..." I started bawling and they said "are you alright?". Barnaby and Nina open up and tell each other stories so you get to know who they are as people even more so - it's not just an action show - but it's still action packed!
Working with Jack must be good fun, what's it like on set with him?
It's so fun, it's as if you're playing with your school buddies you know, during break and that's what it feels like with Jack, you're playing in the sand box with someone who is an intelligent goofball with impeccable timing. I don't experience this on other shoots and I've said it in the past I haven't had this much fun since White Men Can't Jump!
After filming all day and jumping on the back of a 6'2" three-hundred-and-fifty-pound stunt man and being tossed around we get into the van to head back. We don't go in our separate vans with our separate drivers, me, Freddy, Jack, Pippa and Ben hop into a van and say, "what are we going to do for dinner?" Then hang out until we are ready to go to bed. Any actor reading this interview will understand that that is a very special thing.

Do you enjoy working and staying in London while filming?
I do! Prior to Bounty Hunters I couldn't stand London. Why does everyone just get drunk all the time? And the food wasn't good either, however, when I did the first series of Bounty Hunters, Jack, Pippa, Ben and Freddy took me under their wing and made sure that every weekend they took me out during the day or night. Even after filming all day they'd ask if I wanted to get dinner, so I got to see London from a Londoner's point of view. I fell in love with it. I think the issue prior to that was I was stuck in a hotel, I didn't know the people and I was in a very tourist-y area.
Steve Pemberton joined the cast this year, how was it working alongside him?
His sense of humour is so wicked, the stuff that he improvises! He was just fantastic.
Adrian Lukis played the guy who checked to see if the painting was authentic. That day I just couldn't stop laughing at both of them.
He's such a professional, you have to bring your A game when you're dealing with Steve. He makes it look so simple and in between takes the talk - the 'chats' as you guys say - with him are just great. He's very intelligent and really understands the politics of the UK and the US as well so I really enjoyed speaking to him on that level too.

Do we see a different side to Nina this series?
You see a softer side, a more vulnerable desperation than last season. In the first series she was worried about her family, but the stakes are higher this season and she has to compromise her values for the sake of her family, and furthermore, her relationship with Barnaby.
It pains her so it gets very tricky this season, it gets very difficult in regards to the choices she decides to make and the repercussions of those choices.
What were the most challenging scenes during this shoot?
Riding that damn car in an area up in the hills during the funeral scenes when we were in South West London - I almost broke the car. I remember screaming "Oh my god I broke the f**king car!" - thankfully I didn't. The roads there were horrible and narrow. I had to look like I was in complete control of the vehicle and I was definitely not! Some of the stunts were difficult for me because the stunt coordinator wanted to jack it up and I'm glad he did.
Honestly though, I think the most difficult part for me was the final episode. It started getting very emotional, and that was tough because you come to realise how much Nina has come to care for Barnaby even though she doesn't want to. That was really tough for me in playing that emotion and then remembering that it's still a comedy drama and balancing it so it didn't get too heavy.
Why should viewers tune into this series?
Because this is some kickass funny sh*t that's going to get your heart rate up! Come and jump in for the ride - it's gonna be another great one. I personally think it's even better than the first season. I guess that another reason is that you will see how Jack and I have settled in on a personal level in regards to our personal friendship and see that also translate through Barnaby and Nina's relationship as well.