Rosie Perez interview

Rosie Perez says she loved the action scenes on Bounty Hunters, but is still waiting for Jack Whitehall to keep his promise of getting naked.
Why were you attracted you to the series?
Two reasons. The first was that it meant working with Jack Whitehall. The second was the name of the series - I couldn't stop laughing at it and I knew it was going to be good. After I read the first episode, I let them know I wanted in.
Tell us about Nina...
She's a complicated person. You think she's made of steel but then you find out she is sensitive and her life revolves around her family's safety. She also has a strange co-dependent relationship with her family. That's never explained. A woman of a certain age still living with mum? There are issues.
Barnaby and Nina are rather different, aren't they?
Culturally and visually, they are. But there are a lot of similarities, too. They both put their family first. That's the reason they come together. They are both quite fearless. Barnaby's character isn't initially but jumping in and riding with Nina is very courageous. Nina is street smart and Barnaby is book smart and that combination is really cool. It gives way for a lot of comedy and drama.
Are there many similarities between you and Nina?
No. I'm definitely a lot sillier. I am much more thoughtful, not as reactive and I wouldn't get myself into a dangerous situation, regardless of who's involved. The only thing that is similar is our sarcasm.
I used to have a co-dependent relationship with my family and having talked to Jack about my family a lot, they picked that up and put it in the show. We both express our anger very well and very quickly but it takes a lot more to get me angry than it takes Nina.
What are some of Nina's greatest skills?
She's able to assess a situation quickly and figure a way out - that's invaluable. She's not afraid of hand-to-hand combat and she does what needs to be done.

Did you enjoy the show's action element?
I love the action in the show. I got to do a lot of stunts and I am championing all women of a certain age - that we are still badasses and capable. The director asked if I could play Nina a little more cool, but I said I wanted to play the truth of this situation. This woman is probably pre-menopausal - she's not going to be cool. Angelina Jolie she is not!
I thought, what if she makes mistakes? I thought that it would be cool to show someone who is not perfect. If she is fighting a man who's twice as strong as her and he twists her foot, she is going to scream in pain.
Could you draw on any of your boxing expertise for the fighting scenes?
I was never a great boxer. Everyone thinks that because of my love of boxing. I could kick your ass but that doesn't mean I am a good boxer. I studied Shaolin kung fu for many years so I know how to strike and do a side-kick. Never in a million years did I think that would help me in my acting career.
You're an Emmy-nominated choreographer, too. You get to showcase your moves in Bounty Hunters too, don't you?
Yes, and I will never forgive Jack Whitehall for that, ever. We had a deal - if I danced then he had to get naked and he is yet to strip down. If I am going to humiliate myself and start busting moves 30 years on from Do The Right Thing then he's got to do something as well. I am so angry with him!
How did you find the dancing?
I'll be honest, it wasn't fun. It was an anxiety attack from start to finish. I haven't danced on screen in 30 years so I was very apprehensive. I would have nightmares about it, which would crack Jack up even more. If there is a Series 2, Jack Whitehall must be naked, that's all I have to say.
How did you enjoy being on set?
I told Jack and Freddy when they came to the US recently that I hadn't had this much fun since White Men Can't Jump. The synergy and the charisma between Jack and I is effortless and I felt as if I was doing a movie with old friends. Charity and I are FaceTime friends now.
There were moments when I would get frustrated but everyone was very quick to make fun of me and it would break the tension immediately. There was one time when I was stomping my foot. I was going, "I am so annoyed, I am so freakin' annoyed," and Robert Lindsay started imitating me. I couldn't stop laughing. Jack was next to me and asked what's so funny. I said that Robert's making fun of my temper tantrum. And he says, "Are you having a temper tantrum? I thought that was just you being you". It was silliness like that every single day.

The series was filmed in so many locations. Did you have a favourite?
Anywhere that was inside or in the shade was my favourite. I have issues with the sun and my skin - I get sun damage so I hate being outside. I drove everybody crazy by walking around with an umbrella or a floppy hat all the time. My parting gift from the producers was a five-dollar straw hat.
We went to one location in Spain, where they shoot scenes for Game of Thrones, which I loved. And, north of London, I thought the countryside was just breathtaking.
Barnaby winds up doing some rather mad things along the journey. What funny things does Nina make him do?
Oh my gosh - there's the sucking of the fake finger. We make a mould of someone's fingerprint and Nina tells Barnaby it's too cold for the sensor to recognise the prints. She tells Barnaby to suck it to make it warmer and he starts sucking it deeper. Then she tells him she is only kidding! That part took so long to do because I just couldn't stop laughing. To see Jack suck on a fake finger as if he is, well you know where that's leading...
What qualities do you have that would make you a good bounty hunter?
I can fight, I know how to shoot a gun and I can figure out people quickly without letting on. The investigative aspect of the bounty hunter's job would excite me. But if there was any moment where I did have to fight or shoot, I would totally wimp out. Finding the fugitive and handcuffing them without any violence, though, I could do.
Fight or flight?
Both. It would depend on the person I am fighting. If it's not a fair fight, I am running.
Who's your favourite action star?
Bruce Lee.
A full English or a stack of pancakes?
A what English? You mean like the English breakfast with the bangers and the mash and the kippers? No, thank you. I'll take the pancakes.
A night on the sofa or a night on the town?
A night on the sofa.