Bob Servant
- TV sitcom
- BBC One Scotland / BBC Four
- 2013 - 2014
- 9 episodes (2 series)
TV series about a small-time Scottish businessman with a vastly inflated sense of his own importance and abilities. Stars Brian Cox, Jonathan Watson, Anita Vettesse, Daniela Nardini, Antony Strachan and more.
Character guide

Bob Servant
Businessman, raconteur, optimist and a man of endless ambition, Bob Servant is a hero for our troubled times.
Born and bred in Broughty Ferry, Servant sees it as his natural fiefdom. This belief stems largely from Servant's dominant position in Broughty Ferry's notorious 'Cheeseburger Wars' - a period of riotous appreciation for the snack that caused madness on the streets and lined Servant's pockets.
Now retired and living in his stylish riverside house, with its much-admired (by him) extension, Servant is looking for a new cause. When it's announced that Broughty Ferry is to have a by-election, one man is ready and willing to step back into the limelight... Bob Servant.
After losing the Broughty Ferry's by-election (or achieving "the greatest moral victory of all time" as he puts it) Servant's decided he's not ready to while away the days in his stylish riverside house with its much-admired extension. It's time for a comeback. The Broughty Ferry cheeseburger van scene is about to witness the return of a legend.

Bob Servant's great loyalist is Frank, the ultimate right hand man who has spent decades under Bob's close tutelage.
Frank was Director of Sauces on the cheeseburger vans and Campaign Manager for Bob's failed by-election campaign.
Now he's back on the van with Bob but, for once, his loyalties are divided. Much to his fury, Bob faces competition for Frank's affections in the form of Frank's girlfriend (and swimming instructor) Dorothy.

Dorothy (Series 2)
One of the finest swimming instructors in Broughty Ferry, Dorothy has spent years patiently working on Frank's breaststroke.
Somewhere along the line, they crossed the instructor-swimmer boundary and are now in the early stages of a wonderful love affair.
Can their relationship survive Bob's envy and fear of losing his wee pal?

Megan (Series 2)
Megan works for Broughty Ferry Council and is unfortunate enough to be handed the case of Bob's unlicensed cheeseburger van.
Not only does she have to deal with him on a professional level but when Bob decides Megan could be "permanent skirt material" she finds herself fending off his clumsy romantic approaches.

Landlord of Stewpot's Bar, Stewpot has seen a lot of life and a lot of pain. The last thing he needs are Bob's regular visits. Only Bob Servant would choose a local pub because he feels he'll be the most impressive drinker there.
Bob's view on Stewpot: "Easily the worst landlord of the worst pub in Broughty Ferry. Easily."

Jim 'Hendo' Henderson
Bob Servant's achilles heel is his pre-occupation with Broughty Ferry's "boo boys" and the historical lack of respect that they've shown him. Jim 'Hendo' Henderson was a schoolboy contemporary of Bob and his first ever boo boy.
He has remained an intimidating presence in Bob's life, helping derail his by-election campaign, and is now a thorn in Bob's side as he attempts to relaunch his cheeseburger van empire.
When Hendo threatens to be a love rival to Bob for Megan's affections Bob takes spectacular action.
Bob's view on Hendo: "The Worst of the Worst."

Darren (Series 2)
Bob has watched Darren the paperboy grow from a scared wee laddie to a "young hunk with a sack full of dreams".
When Bob and Frank find their professional relationship under pressure, Bob decides to bring Darren on board.
But is he ready to make the leap from paper boy to the rough and tumble of the cheeseburger van business?

Objection McNally (Series 2)
Bob's lawyer through the many legal difficulties he faced in the Cheeseburger Wars was Objection McNally, the keenest legal mind in Broughty Ferry.
Unfortunately when Bob requires his help now, he finds Objection has given in to the booze.
Can he rouse himself for one last piece of Objection McNally magic to get Bob off the hook?

Nick Edwards (Series 1)
A Westminster protégé, Nick Edwards is a career politician who descends on Broughty Ferry to wow the locals and pick up what he sees as a safe seat. He heads up an impressive operation. Slick, well-funded, highly organised, the Edwards campaign is everything that Bob and Frank are not. Nick has come here to win a by-election but no amount of political training could have prepared him for the experience of taking on Bob Servant.
Bob's view on Nick: "Wet behind the ears."

Phillippa Edwards (Series 1)
The power behind the Edwards throne, Philippa Edwards is a smooth political operator here to guide her husband to by-election success. Elegant, highly intelligent and domineering, she is greeted with utter confusion by Bob and Frank. The cheeseburger industry was not a place for powerful women. For Frank, who as Campaign Manager is Philippa's direct rival, she is all his nightmares come true.
Bob's view on Philippa: "Basically just a pretty Hitler."

Rhona McDonald (Series 1)
Rhona McDonald is the Lady Provost of Broughty Ferry. A long term observer of Bob Servant, she is dismayed to see the arrival into the race of a man who made money while "reintroducing scurvy" to Broughty Ferry. She is impressed by the urbane Edwards, and watches in horror as Bob somehow battles himself into the by-election race.
Bob's view: "You give someone a special necklace and they think they're Mother Theresa."

Anders (Series )
An ambitious young DJ at Broughty FM, Anders sees the local radio station as a stepping stone to greater things. The opening episode sees Bob and Anders go toe to toe in a political debate that leads to a serious, dog-based controversy. Later in the series Anders moderates a dramatic debate between the candidates, trying to keep some sort of control over a combustible evening.
Bob's view on Anders: "I see a lot of myself in him. And I think he'd ditto that."