Best Of The Worst
- TV panel show
- Channel 4
- 2006
- 6 episodes (1 series)
Channel 4 panel show that looks at the worst things in the world. Hosted by Alexander Armstrong, with David Mitchell and Johnny Vaughan.
Key details
- Genre
- Panel Show
- Broadcast
- 2006
- Channel
- Channel 4
- Episodes
- 6 (1 series)
- Creators
- Giles Pilbrow and Colin Swash
- Stars
- Alexander Armstrong, David Mitchell and Johnny Vaughan
- Writers
- Rob Colley and Dan Gaster
- Directors
- Geraldine Dowd and Paul Wheeler
- Producers
- Giles Pilbrow, Colin Swash, Joanna Beresford, Henrietta Benson and Neil Calow
Best Of The Worst celebrate the worst of everything that has happened. Host by Alexander Armstrong, two teams - lead by David Mitchell and Johnny Vaughan - attempt to figure out which was worse.
Each episode consisted of four rounds:
Pick the Worst: The panel are given the worst out of four options, for example the worst diet and choose which they think is the worse. The audience then vote for which of the two choices is the worst and the side which picks the option with the most votes wins two points.
Bottom Five: The five worst things in a given subject are given in reverse order (best to worst) and the panel try and guess what the subject is. One point is given for each correct answer.
Which Ends the Worst?: Two clips are shown to the panel and two points are given if the correctly choose which one ends the worst.
Wall of Worst: A quick-fire round in which a subject is given with a picture clue related to it. The panel have to give the worst thing ever to happen related to that subject. One point is given for each correct answer.
Additional details
- Production
- Studio
- Picture
- Colour
Website links
- UKGameshows
Another guide to Best of the Worst. - IMDb
- Wikipedia
Broadcast details
- First broadcast
- Friday 1st September 2006 at 9:30pm on Channel 4