Bellamy's People
- TV sketch show
- BBC Two
- 2010
- 8 episodes (1 series)
TV version of the Radio 4 phone-in satire show Down The Line. Clueless DJ Gary Bellamy is let out of the studio to meet people face-to-face. Stars Rhys Thomas, Paul Whitehouse, Charlie Higson, Lucy Montgomery, Amelia Bullmore and more.
Press clippings Page 4
Bellamy's People Episode 1
Whitehouse and Higson both remain gifted comic performers, and there were some amusing moments and characters here. It's just a shame it started to bore me after 10 minutes and seemed to go limp on the screen.
Dan Owen, Dan's Media Digest, 22nd January 2010Bellamy's People was created by Paul Whitehouse and Charlie Higson, elder statesmen of the comedy genre, and is a follow-up to their Radio 4 hit Down the Line. As its narrative mechanism, it has a phone-in host leaving his studio for a tour of the UK to explore the nature of the Brits. This allows for a gallery of characters to be displayed - two aged aristocratic sisters, one a Communist, the other a Nazi (shades of the Mitfords); a Muslim community leader whom no one in his community knows; an ageing rock star who thinks his younger self was a prat; two celebrity-struck, squeaking women in early middle age who form the phone-in host's fan club, and so on. Some trembled on the edge of being funny but all showed how hard it is to do caricatures well if you are not a talented mimic.
J Lloyd, The Financial Times, 22nd January 2010In interviews promoting Bellamy's People, Paul Whitehouse has revealed the show is largely improvised and, as a result, the filming process involved hour upon hour of talking rubbish, which had to be painstakingly sifted through in order to extract the funny bits. You can only wish they'd looked a bit harder because if what got served up as episode one is a selection of the best bits then the reject pile must be truly mind-numbing.
Bellamy's People has been talked up as a successor to The Fast Show and the theory looked promising: a spin-off from a spoof late-night Radio 4 phone-in, the cameras followed 'award winning' radio monkey Gary Bellamy escaping the darkness of his studio and hitting the road to meet the voices at the other end of the phone.
Enter Whitehouse, long-time collaborator Charlie Higson and a motley crew of comedy veterans to have a ball as a selection of crazy characters. And there was the hitch: from the Essex fat bloke trapped in his room to the batty old posh chap ('Oh, I've brought you into the wrong room') to the East End tough-nut gangster, every one of these 'characters' turned out to be constructed from cardboard cut-out clichés. Which wouldn't matter too much if they were funny but, with the exception of a gag about bedside panthers from the zoologically confused Lion of Harlesden, Early D ('they're black lions!'), it all fell horribly flat. Floating through the middle of it all was Rhys Thomas as Bellamy, whose contribution amounted to various shades of bemusement. Understandable, perhaps, but a bit of banter might have spiced things up.
Maybe it was Whitehouse and Higson taking elaborate revenge on the younger generation of comedians they feel alienated from. 'I did you, I did you right up!' was the closest we came to a catchphrase, courtesy of gor-blimey builder Martin Hole. Thomas could be forgiven for thinking the line was aimed at him.
Keith Watson, Metro, 22nd January 2010Paul Whitehouse and Charlie Higson's spoof phone-in Down the Line is easily one of the funniest Radio 4 shows since On the Hour, and the former Fast Showees bring its inane host Gary Bellamy (Rhys Thomas) to life as he travels around the country meeting ordinary Britons. Rather than the satire of its Radio 4-bear, the set-up is essentially an excuse for Fast Show-like sketches as Bellamy meets assorted listeners/weirdos played by Paul, Charlie, Simon Day, Felix Dexter and co. It's almost very good, but not yet as sharp as the original show.
The Guardian, 21st January 2010In 2006 a new late-night phone-in on Radio 4 prompted a slew of complaints from listeners. It emerged that Down the Line, hosted by the bland yet "award winning" Gary Bellamy, was no dumbed-down phone-in, but a loving spoof engineered by Fast Show creators Charlie Higson and Paul Whitehouse, who voiced many of the show's bizarrely believable callers. Three series later they've found a way to bring their caricatures to TV, while at the same time gently mocking those celebrity-travels-around Britain series.
Bellamy (Rhys Thomas) sets off around the country to meet his public, from Higson's senior citizen Humphrey Milner ("Oh, I've brought you into the wrong room!") and boisterous "Lion of Harlesden" Early D (a lovely turn from Felix Dexter) to ageing "60s bad boy" Ian Craig-Oldman (classic Whitehouse). The comedy lies in the sweetly pitched mannerisms and absurdities: not a lot happens, but it happens hilariously. Credit to Thomas, too: a straight man of the old school, he manages to make everyone around him funnier.
David Butcher, Radio Times, 21st January 2010It's not The Fast Show and nor does it try to be, but this new series, a spin-off from Radio 4's award-winning spoof phone-in Down The Line, finds Paul Whitehouse and Charlie Higson back together on TV for the first time in a decade, with their old mucker Simon Day also popping up in some of the sketches.
The Bellamy of the title is radio host Gary (Rhys Thomas), who sets off on a trip around the UK, encountering all kinds of bizarre, eccentric characters - many of whom, of course, look naggingly familiar.
They include a celebrity criminal, a 23-stone bed-ridden man, and a pair of posh sisters with decidedly dubious political views. Other top comic talents putting in an appearance include Lucy Montgomery, Rosie Cavaliero and Felix Dexter.
Mike Ward, Daily Star, 21st January 2010Ten years after their last television outing together in The Last Ever Fast Show, Paul Whitehouse, Charlie Higson and Simon Day reunite for an ingenious and amiable new series of comedy character sketches. This time, they've added an extra comic dimension to their world of mouthy plasterers, former armed robbers and upper-class loons. All the characters here are avid listeners to a fictional radio programme hosted by an unworldly, feckless DJ, Gary Bellamy (Rhys Thomas).
With the kind of cringe-making narration that adorns many a celebrity-presented documentary ("Modern Britain is a sometimes bewildering mix of different cultures and too often we don't make the effort to find out what we really think about each other"), Bellamy travels the nation to meet his fans and paint a portrait of "the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland". There's 23-stone Graham Downes (Whitehouse) from Harlow, who surfs the net from bed: "Out there in cyberspace, you see, Gary, I can become weightless." Higson is excellent as a doddery Cirencester gent, Humphrey Milner, playing him with eerie realism. And Whitehouse is peerless both as a potty, Sloaney rock impresario called Ian Craig-Oldman, and as opinionated Martin Hole, a Page 3-loving decorator whose catchphrase is just waiting to worm its way into our daily parlance: "I done you there. I done you right up." It's an impressive new home for the comic brilliance of The Fast Show.
The Telegraph, 21st January 2010Bellamy's People is sensationally good. Reuniting Paul Whitehouse and Charlie Higson from The Fast Show and performed by a crack team of comic actors, the idea is that a self-satisfied young Radio 4 talkshow host, Gary Bellamy (Rhys Thomas), leaves his studio and goes walkabout to meet his listeners, who prove to be an astonishing variety of perfectly realised comic characters. They include a 23 stone (146 kg) man who never leaves his front room, an ageing rock impresario, a prim parish worker, an Asian community leader, a semi-reformed criminal and a couple of dotty aristocrats with a penchant for totalitarian regimes. Each character seems more accurate and colourful than the one before and the show relies entirely on observation rather than gags to generate its laughter.
David Chater, The Times, 21st January 2010It is only a minority of fans of popular Sheffield-based beat combo Pulp who believe that their late period, commercial flop album This Is Hardcore is actually their best work. They may be a minority, but they are correct.
There's probably a similarly sized minority who believe that Paul Whitehouse has done his best work since his biggest hit, The Fast Show. He was brilliant as the voiceover artist in Happiness, and Help was excellent until it fell victim to Chris Langham. He then worked on Radio 4's award-winning Down The Line with Charlie Higson, which saw hapless DJ Gary Bellamy deal with idiotic phone-in callers. It was so popular that it was bound to end up on TV. And here we are.
Given that the idiotic phone-in was their main target for satire, the transfer works surprisingly well. They've shifted aim from Radio Five (Live) to regional news and The One Show.
There's plenty to enjoy. In the improvised scenes, Rhys Thomas (Gary) retains a nice sense of glazed wonderment as he's confronted by characters. Yes, they're all a bit Little Britain - a big fat man, a crusty old pair of sisters and a market entrepreneur speaking deep patois. But some of them do have an edge - Mr Khan the community leader, who no one knows, in particular. And no one blacks up.
It's solid comedy. Not special, but comfortingly good. Comedy that you can sit on. And it's miles better than The Fast Show.
TV Bite, 21st January 2010A few years ago, Radio 4 phone-in show Down The Line caused no end of controversy as the complaints flooded in, from listeners who hadn't quite cottoned on to the fact that it was a spoof. It's taken its time getting there but the character-based comedy show has finally arrived on TV, as Bellamy's People, in which the radio host Gary Bellamy (Rhys Thomas) tracks down some of his more eccentric listeners.
But the most notable thing about the show is the men behind it - Bellamy's People marks the first TV collaboration in ten years of The Fast Show creators Paul Whitehouse and Charlie Higson. This time around we're promised a slightly quieter, more reflective show, and one more concerned with gentle social satire. But with a cast that also includes the likes of Simon Day and Amelia Bulmore, there should hopefully be some laughs in there as well. Let's just hope, given the combination of Paul Whitehouse and comedy characters, that the prosthetic makeup isn't as terrifying as in the Aviva ad where it looks like his face is melting.
Nick Holland, Low Culture, 21st January 2010