Alan Carr sitcom (Working title)
- TV sitcom that was never made
- Channel 4
- 2013
A sitcom pilot for Channel 4 written by and starring Alan Carr.
Key details
Alan Carr is writing a sitcom pilot for Channel 4. Few details are known, but he will star in it.
He told The Daily Star in March 2012: "I'm writing a sitcommy thing. I'm not saying too much because you might not think it's funny but I am laughing out loud all the time."
He added: "Let's see what happens. I do like writing jokes. I don't see why I shouldn't write a sitcom. I'm a huge fan of them."
Giving a clue to what it might be about he said: "Well I'd like it to be like Rising Damp. I'd like to be a Rigsby character. I'd love to be the lusty landlord with a tenant underneath me. In fact, I'd love quite a few nice-looking tenants beneath me actually!"
The Mirror confirmed in April 2013 that a sitcom pilot forms part of Carr's 2013-2015 contract with the Channel 4 network.
However, in September, Carr announced that the sitcom plans were on hold as he was too slow writing it. Full story
Additional details
- Production
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