How To Annoy A Script Reader - Part 13
Tuesday 23rd June 2015

13: Character Arc (in feature scripts)
I want to know if a character has learnt something [in a feature/film script]. The sprinkling of plot points and beats throughout, either obvious or subtle, is vital.
It is disappointing when the ending is anti-climactic and the protagonist hasn't evolved (only in rare circumstances can this be achieved but requires a level of audience satisfaction rather than a sense of feeling cheated).
Each character, however large or small their role, also needs to play their part and have a purpose. A poor character, hastily created just to flesh out a scene or to interact with the protagonist in some way, exudes laziness. Bottom line: each character matters.
Rachel Moore, Freelance Script Reader
More: Tip 1, Tip 2, Tip 3, Tip 4, Tip 5, Tip 6, Tip 7, Tip 8, Tip 9, Tip 10, Tip 11, Tip 12, Tip 13, Tip 14, Tip 15, Tip 16, Tip 17