How To Annoy A Script Reader - Part 5
Thursday 28th May 2015

5: Set ups that don't pay off.
Scripts need to be tightly constructed, particularly sitcom scripts. If you plant something early on, don't forget about it by the end.
Everything in the narrative needs to fit neatly together.
A good way to make sure everything is tied up is to use cards. Put a few bullet points of the key elements of each scene onto cards, and then lay them out on a table. This way you can see what is happening in each scene, and where that fits into the narrative as a whole.
This tip comes from Jamie Rhodes, Script Reader and author of Dead Men's Teeth
More: Tip 1, Tip 2, Tip 3, Tip 4, Tip 5, Tip 6, Tip 7, Tip 8, Tip 9, Tip 10, Tip 11, Tip 12, Tip 13, Tip 14, Tip 15, Tip 16, Tip 17