28 Days Later... Day 17: Kate Smurthwaite
Tuesday 25th February 2014

How to write part one - How to write anything: Get a pen and a piece of paper. Start writing words. Of course that sounds a bit obvious doesn't it? But I mean it. Put words onto paper. Or laptop. If you try to write half a page of genius this week I guarantee you will fail. On the other hand if you commit to writing 100 pages of absolute rubbish I guarantee we can find half a page of genius in there with a bit of a read through.
How to write part two - How to be funny: Take the most interesting stuff you've written and add punchlines. Punchlines are (loosely) unexpected but logical responses to a situation. Luckily if you've set up your sitcom well these will happen on their own. One character sets up a situation as they see it, another character responds in their very different (unexpected) but still, in their own way, logical voice. So e.g:
Sheldon: It's a ghastly place, full of drunk women in needlessly tight clothing.
Howard: I'm sorry - what was the address again?
[That's not a real quote by the way, it's just they're such strong characters with such obvious and different voices that it's as easy to write them a couple of lines as it is to go transcribe something off YouTube]
Here's one of mine (from last year):
Conrad: The money you give him? He spends it all on crack.
Sophie: Is that the dog's name?
How to write part three - How to be successful: Not every word you write can be your funniest line ever. Sometimes you just have to fill the page up and come back to it later. The first sitcom you write will almost certainly be rubbish. The second one a bit better. Keep going. Unless you hate it. If you hate it do something else. Maybe involving animals.
Kate Smurthwaite is a writer, stand-up comedian and political activist. You might have seen or heard Kate on BBC One (including Question Time in January), BBC News 24, Channel 4, Channel 5, ITV, SkyTV, BBC Radio 2, BBC 5 Live and Woman's Hour. Or you may have caught her on the viral YouTube clip 'Athiest B!tchslap'. Last year at the 2013 Edinburgh Fringe Festival she won a Three Weeks Editor's Award. She is now back on the road gigging around the country, doing sets, MCing and touring her solo show. To find out more visit www.katesmurthwaite.co.uk