28 Days Later... Day 10: Julie Bower
Tuesday 11th February 2014

Try not to worry. Comedy writing is tricky, it's an art form and it's totally subjective.
Find your voice. Have convictions. Think about what you're trying to say and why it's important to you.
Be inspired. Watch stuff you love and have loud conversations with anyone you can about why it's brilliant. Actively seek out more stuff to love.
Write a short film.
Switch off your modem AT THE WALL when working. The internet will not help you - it is not your friend.
Some people are more successful than you, some aren't. Dwelling on this will not make you a better writer. The commissioning process is unfair. Dwelling on this will not make you a better writer.
Costa's loyalty reward scheme is far superior to Starbucks', as is their coffee, however Starbucks' WiFi is more reliable (just for emailing though - remember, the internet is not your friend.)
Seriously, try not to worry.
Julie Bower was a Sitcom Trials finalist in 2009 and is currently working on a new series for CBBC. www.juliebower.co.uk