British Comedy Guide


Elis James & John Robins - How Do You Cope?

Elis James & John Robins - How Do You Cope?
By John Robins and Elis James

Based on the hit BBC podcast, Elis James and John Robins share memorable stories, struggles and strategies around mental health, all to answer the question - 'How Do You Cope?'.

The show must go on. What does it mean to worry? How can we deal with loss? When adversity strikes, how do we cope? In their hit BBC podcast, Elis James and John Robins have delved deep into their own and others' personal experiences to explore a diverse range of mental health issues, from anxiety and grief to illness, identity and exclusion. Drawing on these rich conversations, along with the help of team of mental health experts, How Do You Cope? is a unique exploration of how we overcome the everyday struggles, as well as the more significant challenges, in our lives.

Including expert advice and practical tips from psychologists and counsellors, How Do You Cope? is an inspiring journey through the front lines of mental health.

First published: Thursday 1st May 2025

  • Publisher: BBC Books
  • Pages: 352
  • Catalogue: 9781785947674

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