Jailbirds / Sailors Don't Care
Jailbirds (1940)
Charles Hawtrey stars as Nick, a prisoner who escapes along with Bill (Albert Burdon) dressed in drag. Both get jobs in a bakery where they hide some stolen jewellery in a loaf! Hawtry at his "campest" best.
Starring: Albert Burdon, Shaun Glenville, Charles Farrell, Charles Hawtrey
Sailors Don't Care (1940)
Boat-building father and son, Joe and Nobby Clark (Edward Rigby and Tom Gamble), join the River Patrol service.
They are 'vamped' by two nightclub girls who are spies. Manning a listening post on the ship 'Terrific' Joe and Nobby see a parachutist landing in the river with a time bomb in his hands...
Starring: Tom Gamble, Edward Rigby, Jean Gillie
First released: Sunday 30th August 2015
- Distributor: Renown Pictures
- Region: All
- Discs: 1
- Catalogue: 1947146
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