Schedule Tuesday 29th October 2024

Punt & Dennis: Route Masters
Episode 5 - From Elton John To The Air FryerSteve Punt and Hugh Dennis uncover unlikely links between random places, people and things as they travel between Elton John and the air fryer, with guest Kiri Pritchard-McLean.

Super Happy Magic Forest
Episode 17 - Quester Of The YearThe heroes are lured away by a cloaked figure to compete for the title of Quester of the Year, leaving the forest with no-one to protect its scones.

Stuart Mitchell's Cost Of Living
Episode 1 - Stuart Eats a PigeonStuart Mitchell examines his own cost of living crisis. His journey of self discovery is prompted by a visit to one of Gordon Ramsay's restaurants - a meal that makes him question his entire existence. Stuart also looks back at his time working for the Treasury with Gordon Brown and ponders whether the status of that job was worth the internal conflict that it gave him.

Series V, Episode 2 - VocalSandi Toksvig gets vocal with Ed Byrne, Jimmy Carr, Judi Love and Alan Davies.