Schedule Saturday 19th October 2024

Nikhil & Jay
Episode 1 - Nikhil And Jay And The Messiest MangoJay dreams of being crowned the messiest mango eater ever, ever, ever, but Appa doesn't want drips on the clean floor. So, Jay eats his mango in the bath!

Fighting Talk
Series 22, Episode 9English former footballer Izzy Christiansen, sports reporter Katie Smith, presenter and former footballer Liam MacDevitt, and comedian Danny McLoughlin join Rick Edwards for an hour of sporting punditry, humour and entertainment.

Guilt Trip
Jeremy Front's comedy about breaking all the rules, morally, ethically and artistically. This is Saul's last chance to save his career and his marriage, but can he save his soul?

Loosely based on comedian Jordan Gray's life, Exposure stars Jordan as Grace, an attention-starved reality star desperately trying to remain relevant after the world has moved on.