Schedule Wednesday 7th August 2024

Ian Smith Is Stressed
Episode 1 - The NorthIan Smith explores how being Northern has made him more stressed and attempts a new wellness fad that's sweeping the fields of England, cow-hugging.

Mr. Bigstuff
Episode 5Lee takes drastic action when he realises his past has caught up with him, while Kirsty practises her wedding dance with Glen before finally coming clean about her shoplifting habit.

Battle In The Box
Episode 8 - Ellie Taylor & Jess Knappett v Jamie Laing & Nabil Abdulrashid - Part 2Both teams must resist temptation in Eyes on The Prize, stuff their faces in Going Going Scone, and smash balls against the clock in Shot In The Dark. Then in the final game, one team will find the keys and escape while the losers will be locked in the box forever.

The Lovely Boys Talk Good
Episode 1 - Meal PanIt's their big break, and the Lovely Boys are determined to be successful, no matter what it takes. Expect life coaching and alpha instructions from Branch Power, an Uber ride from the greatest sideman in videogame history, and Benny's fashion choices pushing Willy one step too far.