Schedule Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Rhys James Is...
Rhysearch: Series 2, Episode 5 - Are There Enough Babies?Across the Western world, birth rates are dropping rapidly. Many experts believe this to be one of the biggest crises of our time. Rhys explores whether we should be having more babies, less babies or if we're having the exact right amount of babies.

Roy Clarke Remembers... Keeping Up Appearances
Acclaimed comedy writer Roy Clarke looks back on Keeping Up Appearances, the series that introduced the world to the extraordinary Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced, of course, 'Bouquet').

Battle In The Box
Episode 3 - Katherine Ryan & Tom Rosenthal v Fatiha El-Ghorri & Josh Jones - Part 1Both teams lay siege to one another in Castle Mania, go head-to-head in The World Series of Everything, and put on the performance of a lifetime for Jimmy's minions in Ball Routine.

Jon Holmes Says The C-Word
Episode 3 - Diagnosis: CancerJon and his guests discuss scans, biopsies and the awkward moment you're told that you have cancer.