Schedule Tuesday 29th November 2022
The Exploding Library
Series 2, Episode 2 - The Bloater, by Rosemary TonksAthena Kugblenu searches for Rosemary Tonks, a poet and writer who 'vanished like the Cheshire Cat', shortly after the height of her fame in the late 1960s.
Episode 2 - Grown Up StuffOne Saturday morning, after a particularly typical Friday night out in Maidstone, a very hung-over Guy tries to lay down some adult ground rules to his unwanted housemate and educate him about life in the modern grown-up world.
Series 2, Episode 3Lucky reluctantly finds himself in Cairns where he spent some time in the years after he fell out with his brother. Though he tries to lay low, Meg isn't one for subtlety and quickly makes their presence known. Lucky is concerned she's running from her problems and the truth of her mother's abandonment. But as Meg ditches Lucky to continue the search herself, an old friend of Lucky's tracks them down. And he's out for blood.
Series 2, Episode 4After escaping Lucky's old mate Duncan, Meg and Lucky continue north. They discover that Meg's mum may be living at a spiritual Wellfullness Commune out in the middle of nowhere.
Frankie Boyle's New World Order
Series 6, Episode 6Frankie Boyle returns to help make sense of this disconcerting time, tackling the issues troubling the planet with Kiri Pritchard-McLean, Jamali Maddix, Susie McCabe and Christopher Macarthur-Boyd.