Schedule Wednesday 3rd December 2014

Hobby Bobbies
Series 2, Episode 2 - ViceThe tiny Haling police force is thrown into confusion when the Guv orders a crackdown on vice in their patch. Can social media help unveil the mysterious Big Brenda?

Millie Inbetween
Series 1, Episode 10 - Baby BrainMum is buying a cot, looking at names, and calling nurseries. Millie and Lauren decide that she and Mike must be planning a baby, and that they have to be stopped. Dad tries to bond with Jake, but gets a bit overenthusiastic.

Paul Sinha's History Revision
Series 1, Episode 2 - FoodPaul asks how his own high street in south London ended up being dominated by Chinese and Indian restaurants. His findings start in 1600 and take in trade, invasion, opium, a bloody civil war that left 30 million people dead, giant greenhouses and the cultivation of saffron.

Sweat The Small Stuff
Series 4, Episode 6With guest panellists Tulisa, Professor Green and comedians Seann Walsh and Tash Demetriou.