Schedule Friday 26th July 2013

Hacker Time
Series 3, Episode 5 - Robbie SavageMore top line entertainment from the pooch with pedigree, including the tension-fuelled game of strategy, What's In 'Em?. Hacker tackles Robbie Savage with some footie banter.

Hobby Bobbies
Series 1, Episode 3 - Dangerous PostersThe useless officers' crackdown on fly-posting leads to the disappearance of 'Daddy Warbucks' and the sight of Bernie in a bright red wig.

The News Quiz
Series 81, Episode 5The News Quiz continues its 81st series. This week's panellists are Jeremy Hardy, Jason Cook, Julia Hartley-Brewer and Fred MacAulay.

8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown
Series 1 (Channel 4: Series 2), Episode 1Jason Manford joins Sean Lock, while Rhod Gilbert teams up with Jon Richardson. Regulars Jimmy Carr, Susie Dent, Rachel Riley and Joe Wilkinson are also on the show. Plus Danny Dyer.

Jon Richardson: Funny Magnet
TV broadcast of Jon Richardson's first stand-up DVD, released in 2012.

Danny Bhoy Live
A TV broadcast of Scottish stand-up comedian Danny Bhoy's first DVD, filmed in 2010.