Schedule Wednesday 29th May 2013

House On Fire
Series 3, Episode 2 - CampingVicky decides to dust down her girl guide badges and go camping with friends. But her original plans for camping buddies don't quite work out.

The Guessing Game
Series 2, Episode 5Lucy Porter and Rob Rouse join Clive Anderson and team captains Alex Horne and Susan Calman.

Horrible Histories
Series 5, Episode 3The boys test their horsepower to the max on Stone Age Top Gear, Charles Dickens sings about his life and books, the Greek philosophers host weird dinner parties on Historical Come Dine With Me, and Vlad the Impaler reveals his horrible new plan for keeping out the neighbours.

Strange Hill High
Series 1, Episode 4 - SnoozicalBecky dreams of starring in the Strange Hill musical production of Scary Poppins, but regresses into fear-filled dreams after being informed she's a terrible singer. Can she defeat The Grackle?

Dara O Briain: School Of Hard Sums
Series 2, Episode 5Maths plus comedy equals positive fun! Andrew Maxwell and Marcus Brigstocke join clever clogs Dara O Briain and professor Marcus du Sautoy for more practical number-crunching.

10 O'Clock Live
Series 3, Episode 6As May draws to a close, Charlie Brooker comments on Muslims in the media; women are under David Mitchell's spotlight; and the team discuss the internet foolhardiness of Sally Bercow.

Can't Tell Nathan Caton Nothing
Series 2, Episode 5 - About AnimalsNathan explains his attitude to animals and pets, and his grandma meets her match - in a mouse.