Schedule Wednesday 1st December 2010

Born Brilliant: The Life Of Kenneth Williams
Episode 3We come across the closest thing Williams came to having a love affair.

Series 3, Episode 3Nick. Ronnie wants to become a psychic vet, while Nick explores the joys of sink plungers.

Series 2, Episode 11 - Down In The MouthCaptain Croc's new sweet, Grinballs, is proving irresistible to the people of Pilbury.

Bear Behaving Badly
Series 4, Episode 9 - WibblesThe whole of Barney's flat is taken over with wibbles, and they are hungry.

Lucy Montgomery's Variety Pack
Series 1, Episode 2Sketch show packed with characters from a non-stop chattering public school girl to an 80-year-old diva.

The Cornwell Estate
Series 2, Episode 6 - Switzerland McNaughtiehorseAn anglophile American expat relishes comparing the different waste-disposal methods in Britain and America.

Sports Mash - Taking The Mic
Episode 10Alistair McGowan, Dave Lamb and Lucy Montgomery trawl through the ITV World of Sport archive from the 1970s and 80s.