Schedule Tuesday 15th June 2010

Horrible Histories
Series 2, Episode 7Joan of Arc gets a visit from a confused angel, a pirate captain tries to make his crew dress like ladies, and Mrs Celt enjoys being a Roman on Historical Wife Swap.

Micky Flanagan: What Chance Change?
Episode 4 - 2000sMicky takes us through the last decade, which he has spent settling down with a middle class woman. Includes an interview with Sean Lock.

Rude Britannia
Episode 2 - Bawdy Songs And Lewd PhotographsTraditions of satire and lewd humour survived and thrived in the era of Victorian values.

James Corden's World Cup Live
Episode 3 - Brazil .v. North KoreaPixie Lott, Eamonn Holmes and England star Jimmy Greaves join James Corden and Abbey Clancy.