Schedule Thursday 29th October 2009

Reece Shearsmith's Haunted House
Episode 1 - An Appointment With FearReece Shearsmith examines some classic scary moments from British radio and television and explores the ingredients for a classic horror story.

Bleak Expectations
Series 3, Episode 1 - A Lovely Life Re-Kippered Again Once MorePip Bin's happiness is shattered once again. Fog-filled streets, murders, and ghastly apparitions from beyond the grave abound, and through it all echoes the terrible menacing coo of a possessed and evil pigeon.

Clive Anderson's Chat Room
Series 7, Episode 7This week, Clive is joined by the journalists John Sergeant and Adam Boulton, comedian Lucy Porter, and Ed Vaizey MP.

School Of Comedy
Series 1, Episode 5This episode features estate agent Dickie Doors, a hysterical man, Connie's comedy night, and more.

Russell Howard's Good News
Series 1, Episode 2Russell tells us what is bugging him this week - for example, why do we hunt foxes who just want a bit of chicken, but feed bread to ducks who use gang rape to procreate. Russell also meets the Witch-Finder General from the London Dungeon in the mystery guest segment.

The Wilson Dixon Line
Episode 3 - When Love Comes To Town... And Then Leaves AgainWilson discusses love and affairs of the heart. Hard done by in love, he talks about his ex-wife, Maureen, who pulled at Wilson's heart like he pulls on his guitar strings. Hold onto your Stetson and get ready for the rocky ride of romance.

The Inbetweeners
Series 2, Episode 5 - The Duke Of Edinburgh AwardsWill is asked to co-ordinate the school's Duke of Edinburgh award scheme. The boys end up helping out in a local retirement home.

Smack The Pony
A double bill of the all-woman sketch show featuring Sally Phillips, Doon Mackichan and Fiona Allen.

Absolute Power
Spinning America: When hamburger sales start plummeting together with other American imports it appears there is a substantial post-Iraq backlash. Prentiss McCabe are called in to spin the unspinnable - to make the people of Britain love America again. Meanwhile, Jamie and Alison have to resurrect a client's career by turning him from being TV's Mr Nice into Mr Vice.

Pick Ups
Series 2, Episode 3 - Stags And BucksAn old school friend rocks Dave's world, while Mike gets involved in a gay stag night - on the straight side of town.

The Armstrong & Miller Show
Series 2, Episode 2The two street-talking chav pilots are back discussing their self-esteem issues and a recent letter from home; Dennis Lincoln-Park, an accident-prone culture buff, examines an absolutely priceless Rembrandt drawing a little too close with his magnifying glass.

The Thick Of It
Series 3, Episode 1It's 'Reshuffle Day' at Number 10. When the job at the Department of Social Affairs and Citizenship is turned down by everybody else, there's no option but to promote junior minister Nicola Murray to the Cabinet.

Harry Hill's TV Burp
Series 9, Episode 3This week's episode featured Mr Blobby, a night light that can also be used as a weapon on BBC Two's Design For Life and a mummified rat on Grimefighters.

Peep Show
Series 6, Episode 6 - Das BootTime is running out for Jeremy as Elena and Gail's marriage is imminent. Meanwhile Mark decides to learn how to drive.

Series 3, Episode 11Brian finally finds himself in the first flushes of romance; however, he has no idea how to behave and seeks advice from the worst possible people. Bob misunderstands him and wants to share his love of Wham!