Schedule Sunday 30th August 2009

The Fast Show
A double bill of the quick-fire sketch show.

A Night At The Office
BBC Two dedicates the night to one of the most successful British sitcoms ever made, broadcasting the entire first series with extra conversations with creators Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant.
The Office is in a select band of Britain's all time favourite comedies. This celebration intersperses the first six episodes with observations and insights from the creators, fellow Office workers and international admirers.

A collection of episodes from Series C of the very clever and quite interesting panel game featuring Stephen Fry and Alan Davies from 9-11pm.

The Office
Series 1, Episode 1 - DownsizeDavid Brent is informed by Head Office that his Slough branch of Wernham Hogg paper merchants might be closed down. David's deep rooted need to be popular triumphs over realism and he immediately promises the staff there will be no redundancies.

The Office
Series 1, Episode 2 - Work ExperienceDavid hires Donna, his lodger and the daughter of his best friend. While showing her round the office he discovers a doctored pornographic image of himself. Gareth, due to his covert operations skills, is told to catch the culprit.

Series 2, Episode 7The Brockman family have a very restless night. Will anyone get any sleep? And what on earth are those dreadful noises coming from next door? And why is there a policeman at their front door?

The Office
Series 1, Episode 3 - The QuizIt is Tim's 30th birthday - he receives a card from Dawn and an unusual inflatable gift from Lee. More importantly, however, it's Wernham Hogg quiz night and there are reputations to be made. Gareth comperes the Quiz Night and the questions reflect his personal interests - namely war and weapon specifications.

The Office
Series 1, Episode 4 - TrainingTo fend off the increasing staff disillusionment a Training Day has been scheduled. Dawn's engagement to Lee is on the rocks and Tim begins to think that he may at last have a chance with her. In this great episode David hinders the productivity of the training expert and gives the staff some musical inspiration.

The Office
Series 1, Episode 5 - New GirlDavid interviews for a new secretary (despite having been told to downsize) and chooses blonde Karen. His efforts to impress end spectacularly badly when he accidentally headbutts her. Meanwhile Donna's late arrival at work inevitably sparks the rumour that she is sleeping with a colleague.

The Office
Series 1, Episode 6 - JudgementCrunch time comes and David is told by Head Office that he will be promoted if he sacrifices the branch. True to his innate sense of self-preservation and greed David leaps at the chance for betterment and in a true stroke of genius delivers a speech with rather flawed logic. The office is shocked but Gareth is most devastated - who will take him seriously now he is no longer Assistant to the Regional Manager?