Schedule Tuesday 9th December 2008

Bear Behaving Badly
Series 2, Episode 7 - Operation NevNev accidentally hurts Prank and faces paying the medical bill.

Listen Against
Series 2, Episode 4Jon Holmes reports from the Blue Peter garden where Steve Wright is being put into hibernation; Alice Arnold reports on how BBC radio covered the end of the world; Gardeners' Question Time answers questions about pubic lice; Thought For The Day comes from a satanist; and more.

Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe
Series 5, Episode 4Charlie Brooker takes a scalpel to 'mission' documentaries.

High Hopes
Series 6, Episode 5 - Internal AffairsNewly-seconded WPC Holly Nash provides unexpected romance for Claude, as Sgt Ball is set up by arch-enemy DI Frank Blunt of Internal Affairs. Fagin and Mam warn Ball, but is he being dangerously blase? Hoffman and Charlie get tooled up, but disaster seems inevitable.

Danny Robins Music Therapy
Episode 4Danny and Isy attempt to use music in order to make people love the sound of bagpies, while also helping a woman who has been forced to live with her parents after going into £20,000 worth of debt for her love of music festivals. Isy writes a song to help cyclists and Danny also tries to make the world's first Winterval No. 1 single. With special guest rapper Doc Brown and rock guitarist Ollie Brum.