Schedule Thursday 7th February 2008

Daunt And Dervish
Series 3, Episode 4Daunt and Dervish find themselves in Whitechapel and Bill finds himself in the Thames.

Down The Line
Series 3, Episode 5This week's topics are the Olympics and the question "Can we Trust the Media?"

Never Mind The Buzzcocks
Series 21, Episode 12With Bill Bailey (Team Captain), Jamelia, David O'Docherty, Moby, Dale Winton.

Little Miss Jocelyn
Series 2, Episode 5Debra, the monstrous hairdresser, gets to make-over a glamour model and Sheson, the reluctant busdriver, still wages war with her passengers. With special guests Eamonn Holmes and Richard Blackwood.

Never Better
Episode 5 - First Week EuphoriaKeith antagonises his fellow AA members by deliberately yawning during Arturo's testimony. Marianne is irritated and the incident prompts Linda to remind Keith that he still hasn't opened up to the group himself. But when Keith admits he only comes along because he wants to get away from his family, the meeting descends into chaos. Meanwhile, Keith yet again lets Tom down by missing his football match.

Pick Ups
Series 1, Episode 5 - DIYA DIY mishap leaves Dave in a sticky situation. Pat the Butcher gives Mike his first job.