Schedule Wednesday 15th August 2007

Bleak Expectations
Series 1, Episode 1 - A Childhood Cruelly KipperedThe idyllic life of young Pip Bin is ruined by the scheming of his exceedingly evil guardian, Mr Gently Benevolent, and his incarceration in Britain's most violent school, St Bastards.

Will Smith Presents: The Tao Of Bergerac
Episode 3 - LoveWill explores his bad luck with romance. Is it wrong to dump a woman because she doesn't alphabetise her CDs?

Little Miss Jocelyn
The Best Of Series 1, Highlights Special4 half hour compilations of the first series were shown on BBC Two ahead of Series 2.

The Blagger's Guide
Blagger's Guide To The Classics, Episode 4Music and comedy writer David Quantick conclues his fast-moving comedy encyclopaedia on classical music with a look at modern classical music, classical moods and Elgar.