Schedule Wednesday 5th June 2002

The Leopard In Autumn
Series 2, Episode 5 - ConfessionsSalvatore is hell-bent on making his family take confession. This is not a prospect that pleases Ludovico as he thinks Salvatore wants to excommunicate him for having a mistress and he is none too pleased at the prospect of going to a damnation of pitchforks and flames. Meanwhile Allessandro is upset that Salvatore is making him put "little golden pants" on the cherubs that adorn the confessional.

4 At The Store
Series 4, Episode 4An evening of stand-up comedy without having to leave your armchair, recorded live at London's unofficial national theatre of comedy, the Comedy Store.

Creme De La Crime
Series 2, Episode 4 - The Spy Who Laughed MeMichael Feydeau and David Pershore probe a case of treason back in 1945 - a powerful mix of theft, illegality, murder, murder and a bit more murder...

Sir Ralph Stanza's Letter From Salford
Series 1, Episode 4 - Recital StatisticsThe poet-in-residence's mission to bring quiche to the Quays comes to its artistic climax.