Schedule Friday 20th November 1998

Goodness Gracious Me
Series 2, Episode 2This week, the Delhi Students return for another adventure, this time on a glorious London commuter railway line. The Bhangramuffins discuss football, and an obnoxious grandmother alienates those around her with sarcasm.

Harry Hill
Series 2, Episode 4The badgers agree to do a second series and a Christmas special, on the condition that there's no badger parade.

Stella Street
Series 2, Episode 6In Surbiton, Surrey, film stars Michael Caine, Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino and others share a street with the likes of musicians Mick Jagger, David Bowie and football pundit Jimmy Hill.

Comedy Nation
Series 2, Episode 11Late night experimental sketch show combining new performers and writers with established comedians trying out new acts.