Schedule Wednesday 28th October 1998

Drop The Dead Donkey
Series 6, Episode 1 - The NewsmakersSitcom set at GlobeLink News, a TV news station which is ordered to start taking a sensationalist stance to the news by its new owner.

Is It Legal?
Series 3, Episode 1 - A Question Of PantsDick has taken early retirement, and Bob feels somewhat hard done by when Colin gets the newly-vacated, luxury private office. Stella decides to usher in the new era by asking the staff for their thoughts of office life...

The Thoughts Of Chairman Alf
Episode 5Topics Alf addresses include the Television Licence; Scottish and Welsh devolution; depressing stories in the news; and adult films in Soho.

Five Squeezy Pieces
Series 1, Episode 2Offbeat character-based pieces, sketches and poems written and performed by Claire Calman, Maria McErlane, Meera Syal and Arabella Weir