Schedule Monday 23rd March 1987

Episode 1 - Home LifeRemember that school boy terror who loved flicking ink pellets? Many trillions of eons ago Nigel Molesworth was The Curse of St Custards. But he's come a long way since those days, and now returns with his guide to modem life.

The Brothers McGregor
Series 3, Episode 6Wesley's ambitions stray in the direction of politics. But he is not too sure at first where his allegiance lies. The result is the birth of the National Sensible Party, with Wesley - the people's champion - as its founder. The task before us, he tells Cyril, is to hammer out the manifesto that will put the sense back into consensus.

Don't Wait Up
Series 4, Episode 4After only 24 hours in his new flat Toby has realised that however luxurious one's surroundings, it doesn't compensate for being lonely. Tom sees this as an ideal time to try and reunite his father and mother.