Schedule Friday 10th October 1975

Dad's Army
Series 8, Episode 6 - The Face On The PosterMainwaring hopes to recruit more members to the platoon with a series of posters featuring Jones, but there is a mix-up at the printers.

The Liver Birds
Series 5, Episode 6 - The Lily And The DandelionSandra and Carol have a disagreement - Sandra wants to preserve all of God's little creatures but Carol is more interested in preserving herself. The bigger question appears to be how to preserve their friendship!

Larry Grayson
Series 1, Episode 4Larry is in for a punishing time. What with all-in wrestling and helping out with a whip act, it is small wonder he starts thinking about writing his will. But, as usual, he comes up trumps in the end...

Fawlty Towers
Series 1, Episode 4 - The Hotel InspectorsWhen friends tip off the Fawltys that there are a group of hotel inspectors in town, Basil sets out to be as nice and amenable towards the guests as possible. However, one particularly demanding visitor pushes him over the edge...

Beryl's Lot
Series 2, Episode 3As her fortieth birthday approaches, mother of three and milkman's wife Beryl realises that there must be more to life than being a housewife.

Week Ending
Series 15, Episode 2A satirical sketch show that started many comedy careers and ran for more than 1,100 episodes, for nearly 30 years.