British Comedy Guide

Schedule Monday 29th November 1971

Radio 4 6:15pm
30 min
The Men From The Ministry. Copyright: BBC

The Men From The Ministry

Series 7, Special - Gone to Pot

Satrical sitcom about the bungling civil servants at the General Assistance Department.

BBC One. Copyright: BBC 7:30pm
30 min
Now, Take My Wife.... Image shows from L to R: Jenny Love (Liz Edmiston), Harry Love (Donald Houston), Claire Love (Sheila Hancock). Copyright: BBC

Now, Take My Wife...

Episode 12 - Housewive's Choice

Claire discovers a new domestic agency which has a rather different approach to charring - it provides char-men!

Radio 4 7:30pm
30 min
Radio 4

My Word!

Series 22, Episode 10

Long-running panel show with regulars Frank Muir and Denis Norden.

ITV1 logo. Credit: ITV 8:25pm
30 min
Lollipop Loves Mr. Mole. Image shows from L to R: Reg Robinson (Hugh Lloyd), Maggie Robinson (Peggy Mount). Copyright: Associated Television

Lollipop Loves Mr. Mole

Lollipop Loves Mr. Mole, Episode 6 - Someone At The Door

Maggie has slipped and hurt her leg while boarding the bus, and is confined to bed for a few days. For once, the clockwork precision of the household is absent... and Bruce is the first to notice.

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