RHLSTP with Richard Herring
RHLSTP with Richard Herring - which launched under the title Richard Herring's Leicester Square Theatre Podcast - is an award-winning series in which Richard Herring chats with some of the biggest names in comedy. Stephen Fry, Steve Coogan, Sarah Millican, David Mitchell are amongst the many comedy stars to have been interviewed across the hundreds of episodes made to date.
RHLSTP 552 - Poppy Hillstead
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- Published: 12th March 2025
- Length: 59 mins
#552 The Mouse With Cumin In Its Eyes. Richard is very impressed with the thoroughness of Hitchin bins and as used to being the rudest person in any room as he is, he may have met his match in this week's guest Poppy Hillstead. Not for those of a sensitive disposition. They discuss her brilliant new podcast, Brainwash Me and the unusual diet of the man who inspired it; which of the pair will kill the other and how on the stone-clearing field; partying with David Icke; the terrible consequences of preventing 9/11; drawing a whimsical penis and whether we need to be more sensitive and understanding of men and their innate stupidity; what you would do to a chicken on a desert island; and weird driving instructors inspiring comedy. Poppy has a unique and wonderful mind and you should check out all her podcasts!