The Milligan Papers
- Radio sitcom
- BBC Radio 4
- 1987
- 6 episodes (1 series)
A series of surreal comedies starring Spike Milligan. Also features John Bluthal, Chris Langham, John Antrobus and George Chisholm.
The Milligan Papers
In this series of six episodes written by John Antrobus, the inimitable Spike Milligan and his co-stars delve into a world more obscure and hilarious than you could possibly imagine...
During the course of six episodes, taking in France, Balham Labour Exchange and 1940s Britain along the way, the team pose a variety of tricky questions. Has the Flying Scotsman been pilfered? Might the Scarlet Pimpernel be lurking in the rubbish drawer in the kitchen? Is Catford a duck, is Crewe a parrot, and just how much power can be harnessed from a prune?
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1987, Spike's last ever radio series has him on fine and frenetic form.
First released: Tuesday 17th April 2007
- Distributor: BBC Audiobooks
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