The Diary Of A Nobody (2012)
- Radio comedy
- BBC Radio 4
- 2012
- 2 episodes (1 series)
Johnny Vegas and Katherine Parkinson play Mr and Mrs Pooter. Also features Andrew Gower.
- The Diary Of A Nobody (2007, BBC4)
- The Diary Of A Nobody (1964, BBC2)
- The Diary Of A Nobody (1979, BBC2)
- The Diary Of A Nobody (1929, Local Radio)
- The Diary Of A Nobody (1946, Home)
- The Diary Of A Nobody (1946, Light)
- The Diary Of A Nobody (1960, Home)
- The Diary Of A Nobody (1964, Home)
- The Diary Of A Nobody (1970, Radio 4)
- The Diary Of A Nobody (1977, Radio 4)
- The Diary Of A Nobody (2004, Radio 4)
Key details
- Genre
- Comedy
- Broadcast
- 2012
- Channel
- BBC Radio 4
- Episodes
- 2 (1 series)
- Stars
- Johnny Vegas, Katherine Parkinson and Andrew Gower
- Writers
- George Grossmith, Weedon Grossmith and Andrew Lynch
- Director
- Marilyn Imrie
- Producer
- Sally Harrison
- Company
Johnny Vegas and Katherine Parkinson play Mr and Mrs Pooter in Andrew Lynch's adaptation of the Grossmith brothers' comic novel of 1892.
The story is a social vignette of Charles, the self-important but highly likeable clerk, his loving wife Carrie and their son William.
Much of the action takes place in the house that the Pooters share with their maid Sarah...and the noisy sound of passing trains. The Laurels in Brickfield Terrace is frequently visited by colourful and amusing characters, not least Gowing and Cummings, Pooter's 'trusty' fair-weather friends.
This full dramatisation has a Victorian sitcom feel and stays true to the book - with a couple of twists of Lynch's own - capturing a kind of lower-middle-class aspiration that still has a tangible familiarity in 2012.
Additional details
- Also known as
- Classic Serial: The Diary Of A Nobody
- Production
- Studio
Broadcast details
- First broadcast
- Sunday 1st July 2012 at 3pm on BBC Radio 4