Radio schedule Thursday 16th January 2025
Kiri's Comedy Club
Series 4, Out-takes - Unheard GoldKiri Pritchard-McLean begins the new year by looking at some chats from episodes that didn't air when originally broadcast.
Aurie Styla: Tech Talk
Episode 3 - Alexa, Make Me A SandwichThis show charts his personal relationship with machines, looking at the past (computer games that you had to load from cassette tapes), the present (houses that are lit and warmed via apps on your phone, cars that drive themselves without you) and the future (AIs that tell you how to dress and what to eat for dinner, and superior intelligences that command your every move whether you want to object or not).
Aurie Styla: Tech Talk
Episode 4 - Sorry To Ask, Are You a Robot?In this final episode, we peer into the future - a future in which we've allowed machines to become so advanced that they may one day have everything they need to do away with us altogether.