Radio schedule Saturday 3rd September 2022

Bleak Expectations
Series 1, Episode 1 - A Childhood Cruelly KipperedThe idyllic life of young Pip Bin is ruined by the scheming of his exceedingly evil guardian, Mr Gently Benevolent, and his incarceration in Britain's most violent school, St Bastards.

The Jason Byrne Show
Series 1, Episode 1 - EducationJason Byrne stars in a new series that explores a different theme each week - relationships, education, law, medicine, religion and sport. The show features stand-up, sketches and special guest Ivan Brackenbury. This week's theme is education.

The Burkiss Way
Series 2, Episode 9 - Skive From School The Burkiss WayCan Moses Minor lead the boys of Greyfriars away from the clutches of their oppressors?

You're Dead To Me
Series 5, Episode 1 - Frederick The Great Of PrussiaGreg Jenner is joined by special guests Stephen Fry and Dr Bodie Ashton as they travel back to 18th Century Prussia to meet Frederick the Great.

Clare In The Community
Series 1, Episode 6 - Stage FrightBrian writes a play, for his A level pupils, which is a barely disguised portrayal of his own personal life.

Fighting Talk
Series 20, Episode 5Broadcaster Eleanor Oldroyd, sports journalist John Cross, former England netball player Eboni Usoro-Brown and comedian Justin Moorhouse join Colin Murray for an hour of sporting punditry, humour and entertainment.

King Street Junior
Series 2, Episode 9 - Sports DayAs both pupils and staff get in training, headmaster Mr. Beeston gets a cryptic note.

Noising Up
Series 1, Episode 1The First Minister's Date Night, the real reason Batgirl was canned and the Tory Leadership race descends into a rap battle.

Hancock's Half Hour
Series 4, Episode 15 - The Old School ReunionAnthony Aloysius St John Hancock is a loser whose plans and aspirations are continually ruined by bad luck, Sidney Balmoral James or, more often than not, by his own pomposity and ambition.

Jake Yapp's Media Circus
Episode 1 - Daytime TVJake Yapp applies his satirical eye to the modern media, exploring its strengths, weaknesses and idiosyncrasies through stand-up, sketch and music.

Party's Over
Series 2, Episode 6 - Heist of CommonsThe gang return to their old stomping ground on a mission to find their fortune.

Trevor's World Of Sport
Series 1, Episode 1 - JasonTrevor battles against Sammy's 'casual' discussions with the press, potentially damaging the career of an already poor footballer.

The Masterson Inheritance
Series 3, Episode 1 - The Mastersons Magical Marquee, Part 1The improvised historical family saga's two-part romp about a Victorian travelling circus.

What The Future?
Episode 1 - BeesAll the bees are dead. And we love it! Britons revel in sting-less, insect-free summers. But soon all the honey vanishes and instantly becomes the must-have accoutrement for rappers and grime artists. With no pollination, all fruits and vegetables vanish and a panicked government tries to find bees in North Korea and, confusingly, space. Can Brian Cox and Brian May, the country's leading science people, find a solution? Probably not.

Everyone Quite Likes Justin
Series 2, Episode 6Justin is still living with his father-in-law, still working with his ex-wife and still calling on his gran for her words of wisdom.

Craig Brown's Lost Diaries
Episode 2 - March & AprilAs lambs frolic in meadows Frank McCourt, Alistair Campbell and Sharon Osborne contemplate the spring.

The Good, The Bad And The Unexpected
Series 12, Episode 2Mark Nelson is joined this week by model Eunice Olumide, and comedians Bethany Black and Jamie MacDonald.

Bleak Expectations
Series 1, Episode 1 - A Childhood Cruelly KipperedThe idyllic life of young Pip Bin is ruined by the scheming of his exceedingly evil guardian, Mr Gently Benevolent, and his incarceration in Britain's most violent school, St Bastards.

The Jason Byrne Show
Series 1, Episode 1 - EducationJason Byrne stars in a new series that explores a different theme each week - relationships, education, law, medicine, religion and sport. The show features stand-up, sketches and special guest Ivan Brackenbury. This week's theme is education.

The Burkiss Way
Series 2, Episode 9 - Skive From School The Burkiss WayCan Moses Minor lead the boys of Greyfriars away from the clutches of their oppressors?

Clare In The Community
Series 1, Episode 6 - Stage FrightBrian writes a play, for his A level pupils, which is a barely disguised portrayal of his own personal life.

King Street Junior
Series 2, Episode 9 - Sports DayAs both pupils and staff get in training, headmaster Mr. Beeston gets a cryptic note.

Hancock's Half Hour
Series 4, Episode 15 - The Old School ReunionAnthony Aloysius St John Hancock is a loser whose plans and aspirations are continually ruined by bad luck, Sidney Balmoral James or, more often than not, by his own pomposity and ambition.

Alex Horne Presents The Horne Section
Series 3, Episode 5This week's theme is the Tudors versus the Vikings and the show features a battle, a huge motivational song and a prequel to a Barry Manilow's Copacabana. With special guests Cariad Lloyd and singer Gwyneth Herbert.

Chain Reaction
Series 4, Episode 3 - Richard Wilson interviews Arabella WeirRichard Wilson talks to Arabella Weir.

Keep Calman Carry On
Series 1, Episode 4Susan visits the Scottish National Portrait Gallery with Phill Jupitus.

Natalie Haynes Stands Up For The Classics
Series 8, Episode 3 - LucretiusA six-book poem on philosophy and physics? Sounds a bit dry? Lucretius's contemporaries and poetic descendants raved about it, even Cicero, who is mean about everyone. With Professor Llewelyn Morgan and Andrew Copson, Chief Executive of Humanists UK.

Tom Allen Is Actually Not Very Nice
Episode 1 - Tom Allen Is Actually Not Very NiceTom Allen's calm and collected exterior image has collapsed, and he has finally realised that he is actually not very nice.

The Masterson Inheritance
Series 3, Episode 1 - The Mastersons Magical Marquee, Part 1The improvised historical family saga's two-part romp about a Victorian travelling circus.

What The Future?
Episode 1 - BeesAll the bees are dead. And we love it! Britons revel in sting-less, insect-free summers. But soon all the honey vanishes and instantly becomes the must-have accoutrement for rappers and grime artists. With no pollination, all fruits and vegetables vanish and a panicked government tries to find bees in North Korea and, confusingly, space. Can Brian Cox and Brian May, the country's leading science people, find a solution? Probably not.

Everyone Quite Likes Justin
Series 2, Episode 6Justin is still living with his father-in-law, still working with his ex-wife and still calling on his gran for her words of wisdom.

Craig Brown's Lost Diaries
Episode 2 - March & AprilAs lambs frolic in meadows Frank McCourt, Alistair Campbell and Sharon Osborne contemplate the spring.