Radio schedule Thursday 8th July 2021

Olga Koch: OK Computer
Series 1, Episode 1 - NationalityJoin comedian and computer scientist Olga Koch and her digital assistant Algo (Sindhu Vee) unpack the flag-waving, beer-chugging and general absurdity of nationality.

Adrian Edmondson - Signs Of Life
Series 1, Episode 4 - It's One Rule For ThemAdrian has always struggled with rules be they rules at school, dress codes or codes of conduct that that create different rules for different people. In this essay he remembers a particular incident that occurred when he appeared on stage with The Who.

Michael Spicer: Before Next Door
Series 1, Episode 1 - Marketing GeniusThe neurotic part-time comedian finally wins acclaim for his Room Next Door videos. But can he cash in or will his ambitions ever overcome his social anxiety and self doubt?